Our group is learning about mountain habitats. The temperature is usually cold at the top. Mountains are steep, rocky areas on the Earth.
Mountains are located on all the continents. The Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains are in North America, the Himalayas and Urals are in Asia, the Alps are in Europe, the Atlas mountains are in Africa, and Andes are in South America.
There are many plants in the mountains like the Diapensia, Giant groundsel, and mosses. These plants are all at the bottom of the mountain food web. The Diapensia makes a platform with it’s leaves. The Giant groundsel stem is covered with dead leaves. DiapensiamossGiant Groundsel
There are many animals in the mountains like cougars, wolves, and golden eagles. These three are all predators that prey on other animals. The cougar is at the top of the food chain. Everything in the food chain is balanced and it all connects together.
The Clark’s Nutcracker bird helps seeds from the White bark pine tree. It helps it by spreading the seeds from place to place helping more trees grow. The bird gets food and the tree grows in more places.
We learned that there are 4 different kinds of mountains. They are volcanic, folded, fault-block and dome. volcanic folded Fault-block dome
We learned that Mount Everest is 29, 035 feet tall. It is in the Himalayas and it’s the tallest mountain on Earth. We also learned that there are three layers of areas on the mountains. They are alpine, sub alpine, and montane forest. The forest is at the bottom of the mountain and the alpine area is at the top. The mountain habitat is very interesting.