Restore McComas Meadows /Meadow Creek Watershed Project # Restore McComas Meadows/ Meadow Creek Watershed Project # Nez Perce Tribe Fisheries Watershed Program
Meadow Creek is located in north central Idaho within the South Fork Clearwater River on the Nez Perce National Forest.
Species at Risk Steelhead trout –ESA threatened Bull trout –ESA threatened Chinook salmon –Fall ( ESA threatened) –spring/summer (sensitive/species of concern) Westslope cutthroat trout –Sensitive/species of concern Pacific lamprey –State endangered species
Limiting Factors Temperature (exceeds 20 o C)Temperature (exceeds 20 o C) In-stream and riparian coverIn-stream and riparian cover Sediment (embeddedness 23-56%)Sediment (embeddedness 23-56%) Passage (40 culverts)Passage (40 culverts) Habitat degradation (roads/logging)Habitat degradation (roads/logging) Watershed disturbances (habitat loss)Watershed disturbances (habitat loss)
Aquatic & Terrestrial –M&E program –Road inventory& closure Fisheries/Aquatic Needs –Temperature monitoring –Reduce temperature, sediment, & embeddedness Riparian Communities –Create riparian habitat Noxious Weeds –Restore infested communities Habitat/Passage –Restore riparian & in- stream habitat structure –Create riparian areas & establish connectivity –Restore normal hydrograph Remove passage barriers –Culvert inventory & evaluation Fragmentation –Reduce road densities Clearwater Sub-basin Needs
Objectives Coordinate with agencies on pre-work, planning and logistics Restore hydrologic connectivity Restore fish passage Restore meadow and riparian plant community Reduce sediment, improve water quality, and stream habitat Reduce sediment from Fisher Placer Mine Site Alleviate sediment from road sources Maintain fence integrity Monitoring and evaluation
Past Accomplishments Cooperative project with NPNF Fence construction to exclude cattle grazing within McComas meadows reach Drainage and erosion inventory Participation/completion of EAWS and stewardship group recommendations for projects Re-vegetation of riparian zone – over 8,000 trees planted Tributary re-location (Swede Creek) Monitoring and evaluation
Willow Pole Plantings
Irrigation Ditch surrounding McComas Meadows – Erosion due to drainage of streams and culverts
ROADS Roads shown in red (90 miles) are proposed for decommissioning under the Meadow Face DRAFT EIS. 103 miles of road are to be maintained. 14 miles of road will be reconstructed 10 miles of road will be converted to trail
Fish Barrier Culvert
Fisher Placer Mine Site
Monitoring & Evaluation Umbrella Monitoring Plan (proposed project #28045) –Trends in Watershed Condition Restoration Effectiveness Monitoring Plan –Project specific Road Obliteration Monitoring