Restoration of Columbia River Floodplain Functions to Steigerwald Lake


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Presentation transcript:

Restoration of Columbia River Floodplain Functions to Steigerwald Lake Eric D. Anderson Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Complex Ridgefield, WA

Goals of Proposal Conduct a feasibility study to determine alternatives to restore connectivity, hydrology, and floodplain function to Steigerwald Lake and Gibbons Creek. Reconnect the habitats of Gibbons Creek, Steigerwald Lake, and the Columbia River to benefit native fish and wildlife populations.

Location of Steigerwald Lake Steigerwald Lake NWR Portland

Steigerwald Lake Hydrology Gibbons Creek Lawton Creek Steigerwald Lake 20 ft. NVGD 840 acres Columbia River

Changes to Steigerwald Lake Washougal Sewage Plant Port Steigerwald Lake NWR

Feasibility Study Improved Wetland Capacity/Hydrology Improved Stream Habitat: Meanders Replace Channelization Reconnect Gibbons Creek to Steigerwald Lake Low Gradient Connectivity to Rearing/Spawning Habitat Flood Protection for Adjacent Landowners Ingress/Egress of Mainstem Salmonids

Proposal Funding for Planning and Construction USACE Section 1135 cost-share funds are available up to 75% BPA funding represents 25% cost-share Other cost-share partners: USFWS, WDFW, WDOE

Subbasin Habitat Priorities Bonneville Tributaries Subbasin Stock Summary and Habitat Priorities “Reconnect and preserve off-channel and side channel habitat and associated wetlands wherever they occur. Lower Gibbons Creek, Steigerwald Refuge … are priorities.”

Subbasin Habitat Priorities Conservation of Columbia River Basin Fish Basinwide Recovery Strategy Protection and Restoration Strategy: Removal of structures below Bonneville Dam that inhibit the restoration of floodplain habitats

Subbasin Habitat Priorities The Bonneville Tributaries Subbasin - Limiting Factors Analysis, Washington State Conservation Commission, 2000 Limited amount of lower gradient habitat for spawning and rearing of salmonids present between Bonneville Dam and Portland.

Subbasin Habitat Priorities The Columbia River Estuary and The Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Independent Scientific Advisory Board Remove dikes in the lower river and upper estuary to restore connections between peripheral floodplains and the river.

Benefits of the Proposal to Salmon Current salmonid entrapment issues resolved Removal of barriers and reduced gradient to historic chum habitat Coho, steelhead, cutthroat smolts from Gibbons Creek have access to Stiegerwald Lake rearing habitat

Benefits of the Proposal to Salmon Reconnection of up to 420 acres of Columbia River floodplain/rearing habitats Smolts from the Columbia River (e.g. fall chinook) have access to LCR rearing habitats in Steigerwald Lake