Contest «What do you know about Australia?» Teacher: Katkova S.V.
Task №1 «Geographical Outlook». Answer the questions.: Now we are going to have a contest «What do you know about Australia?». Answer the questions is the first task of our contest. In these envelopes there are papers with questions. Four questions are for each team. Please, answer the questions in written form. All the teams are to complete the task. And now open these envelopes and start answering the questions. As soon as you are through with the task say «We are ready». All the teams have finished the work. Now let’s check the answers. As for correct answers, they will be given on the blackboard. Follow them. Let’s begin with the team who has the first four numbers in the list. Start reading the questions and your answers. Thank you. Everything was right. Now let’s work with the next four questions. Start reading the questions and your answers. Thank you. Everything was right too. You see that all the teams have completed the task correctly. So we congratulate all the teams on this event and give them a star. But this team was quicker than the other teams in this task so it gets one more star.
Australia. 1. What ocean is Australia washed by in the west? 2. What hemisphere is Australia situated? 3. Is Australia the world’s largest island? 4. How many territories are there in Australia?
Australia. 5. What are the two Australian territories? 6. How big is Australia in size? 7. What are the three biggest Australian deserts? 8. What is Australia’s national currency?
Australia. 9. What ocean is Australia washed by in the east? 10. Is Australia the smallest continent? 11. What continent is the nearest to Australia in the north? 12. How many states are there in Australia?
Australia. 13. What are the six Australian states? 14. What is Australia’s capital city? 15. How many people live in Australia? 16. What is the country’s official language?
Task №1 «Geographical Outlook» Answer the questions:
Australia. 1. What ocean is Australia washed by in the west? - Australia is washed by the Indian Ocean in the west.
Australia. 2. What hemisphere is Australia situated? - Australia is situated in the Southern Hemisphere. 3. Is Australia the world’s largest island? - Yes, it is. Australia is the world's largest island.
Australia. 4. How many territories are there in Australia? - There are two territories in Australia. 5. What are the two Australian territories? - The two Australian territories are Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory.
Australia. 6. How big is Australia in size? - Australia is 7,686,850 sq km.
Australia. 7. What are the three biggest Australian deserts? - The three biggest Australian deserts are the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria Desert and the Gibson Desert.
Australia. 8. What is Australia’s national currency? - Australian dollar is. Australian dollar is Australia’s national currency.
Australia. 9. What ocean is Australia washed by in the east? - Australia is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the east.
Australia. 10. Is Australia the smallest continent? - Yes, it is. Australia is the smallest continent. 11. What continent is the nearest to Australia in the north? - Asia is. Asia is the nearest continent to Australia in the north.
Australia. 12. How many states are there in Australia? - There are six states in Australia. 13. What are the six Australian states? - The six Australian states are Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia.
Australia. 14. What is Australia’s capital city? - Canberra is. Canberra is Australia’s capital city. 15. How many people live in Australia? people live in Australia.
Australia. 16. What is the country’s official language? - English is. English is the country’s official language.
Task №2 «The Main Cities of Australia». Guess what city it is: Guess the city is the second task of our contest. In these envelopes there are papers with a description of two cities. Please, read these stories and write the names of the cities on the paper after the description. All the teams are to complete the task. And now open these envelopes and start reading the stories. As soon as you are through with the task say «We are ready». All the teams have finished the work. Now let’s check your answers. As for descriptions, they will be given with pictures on the blackboard. Follow them. Let’s begin with the team who has got the first story. Start reading it. Thank you. That’s right. Now let’s work with the second story. Start reading it. Thank you. Everything was right. You see that all the teams have completed the task correctly. So we congratulate all the teams on this event and give them a star. But this team was quicker than the other teams in this task so it gets one more star.
№ 1. This city was founded in It is the oldest city of Australia. This city is surrounded by a small agricultural area. It is the capital of Tasmania. What city is it? …………….
№ 2. It’s a very beautiful city with many parks and gardens. Its population exceeds 1 million people. This city is an important export center of wool, wheat and sugar. It is the only large Australian city with subtropical climate. It is the capital of Queensland. What city is it? …………….
№ 3. This city was founded on the 26-th of January in It was the first European settlement in the country. It’s the largest city of Australia now. Its population is about 4 million people. Its harbour is a wonderful waterway for yachting. Stadium Australia was built for the 2000 Olympic Games in this city. It is the capital of New South Wales. What city is it? …………….
№ 4. This city is a large center of the wine export. Its population exceeds 1 million people. This city is famous for Adelaide’s Festival of Arts held every 2 years. It is the capital of South Australia. What city is it? …………….
№ 5. This city sits along the banks of the Yarra River. Its population is about 3 million people. It is the second largest city of Australia. It is the financial center of the nation. It is the capital of Victoria. What city is it? …………….
№ 6. Its population exceeds 1 million people. It’s situated in the Swan River estuary. It’s the major west coast city. It’s the most beautiful Australian city. It is the capital of Western Australia. What city is it? …………….
№ 7. It’s the major north coast city. It is the capital of Northern Territory. What city is it? …………….
№ 8. This city contains a lot of government buildings built in Its population is 310,000 people. Australia’s new Parliament House opened in 1988 is situated in this city. This city is an important center of learning. There are many cultural places here too. Here is the National Museum of Australia. This is the National Gallery. It is the National Library. And here is Canberra’s TV Tower. This city is situated in Australian Capital Territory. What city is it? …………….
Task №2 «The Main Cities of Australia» Guess what city it is:
№ 1.
This city was founded in It is the oldest city of Australia.
This city is surrounded by a small agricultural area.
It is the capital of Tasmania.
What city is it? Hobart It is Hobart.
№ 2.
Its population exceeds 1 million people. It’s a very beautiful city with many parks and gardens.
This city is an important export center of wool, wheat and sugar.
It is the only large Australian city with subtropical climate.
It is the capital of Queensland. Queensland
Queensland Brisbane What city is it? It is Brisbane.
№ 3.
This city was founded on the 26-th of January in 1788.
It was the first European settlement in the country.
It’s the largest city of Australia now. Its population is about 4 million people.
Its harbour is a wonderful waterway for yachting.
Stadium Australia was built for the 2000 Olympic Games in this city.
It is the capital of New South Wales. New South Wales
What city is it? Sydney It is Sydney.
№ 4.
This city is a large center of the wine export.
Its population exceeds 1 million people.
This city is famous for Adelaide’s Festival of Arts held every 2 years.
South Australia It is the capital of South Australia.
South Australia Adelaide What city is it? It is Adelaide.
№ 5.
This city sits along the banks of the Yarra River.
Its population is about 3 million people.
It is the second largest city of Australia.
It is the financial center of the nation.
Victoria It is the capital of Victoria.
VictoriaMelbourne What city is it? It is Melbourne.
№ 6.
Its population exceeds 1 million people.
It’s situated in the Swan River estuary.
It’s the major west coast city.
It’s the most beautiful Australian city. It’s a sea port.
Western Australia It is the capital of Western Australia.
Western Australia Perth What city is it? It is Perth.
№ 7.
It’s the major north coast city.
Northern Territory It is the capital of Northern Territory.
Northern Territory Darwin What city is it? It is Darwin.
№ 8.
This city contains a lot of government buildings built in Its population is 310,000 people.
Australia’s new Parliament House opened in 1988 is situated in this city.
This city is an important center of learning. There are many cultural places here too. Here is the National Museum of Australia.
This is the National Gallery.
the National Library. It is the National Library.
And here is Canberra’s TV Tower.
Australian Capital Territory This city is situated in Australian Capital Territory.
Australian Capital Territory Canberra What city is it? It is Canberra.
Task №3 «Wildlife in Australia». Listen to a story and name the animal: Listen to a story and name the animal is the third task of our contest. You are to listen to a story up to the end. The pupil who raises a hand first answers first. If this pupil gives a wrong answer other pupils get a chance to answer. But be quite, please. If a team is noisy it will be punished for a star. Now let us begin. Listen to the first story. Who knows the answer? Who can name the animal? P was the first. So let us listen to him. Thank you. That’s right. Your team gets a star. Now listen to the second story. Now let us find the winner. Please, count your stars. The first team has got 20 stars. So it takes the first place. Our congratulations!
№1 This animal is able to survive the high temperatures and dry conditions in the outback. The male animal has red fur. The female animal is blue-grey in colour. This animal can bound along on its enormous back legs, using its strong tail to help it balance. A big male animal can clear more than 9 meters in one leap. (The red kangaroo) №2 These animals are descended from the domesticated dogs brought to Australia about 8000 years ago, but they have become wild again. They yelp or howl instead barking. (Wild dogs (dingoes) №3 These birds cannot fly, but they have strong legs and massive feet and can run at up to 48 k/h. They are the second largest birds in the world. They usually eat grass, fruit and insects, but they have been known to swallow marbles, nails and coins. (Emus) №4 This animal has long, sharp spines that help it to be protected from enemies. If it is attacked, it rolls itself into a ball or digs straight down into the soil, this way it hides its soft face under the parts, where there are no spines. (The echidna) №5 This animal is good at climbing trees. It gets most of its moisture from its food and drinks water rarely. This animal lives on eucalyptus trees. It has a very specialized diet – it eats only the leaves of eucalyptus trees. (The koala) №6 This animal has a long, thin tongue tipped with bristles for soaking its food. It uses its long snout to probe into flowers for getting pollen, nectar and insects. (The honey possum) №7 This animal is among the strangest Australian animals. They are the only mammals that hatch their young from eggs. They live only in Australia. №7 This animal is among the strangest Australian animals. They are the only mammals that hatch their young from eggs. They live only in Australia. (The platypus)
Task №3 «Wildlife in Australia» Listen to a story and name the animal:
The red kangaroo №1 This animal is able to survive the high temperatures and dry conditions in the outback. The male animal has red fur.The female animal is blue-grey in colour.This animal can bound along on its enormous back legs, using its strong tail to help it balance. A big male animal can clear more than 9 meters in one leap.
№2 These animals are descended from the domesticated dogs brought to Australia about 8000 years ago, but they have become wild again.They yelp or howl instead barking. Wild dogs (dingoes)
№3 These birds cannot fly, but they have strong legs and massive feet and can run at up to 48 k/h.They are the second largest birds in the world.They usually eat grass, fruit and insects, but they have been known to swallow marbles, nails and coins.Emus
№4 This animal has long, sharp spines that help it to be protected from enemies. If it is attacked, it rolls itself into a ball or digs straight down into the soil, this way it hides its soft face under the parts, where there are no spines. The echidna
№5 №5 This animal is good at climbing trees. It gets most of its moisture from its food and drinks water rarely. This animal lives on eucalyptus trees. It has a very specialized diet – it eats only the leaves of eucalyptus trees. The koala
№6 This animal has a long, thin tongue tipped with bristles for soaking its food. It uses its long snout to probe into flowers for getting pollen, nectar and insects. The honey possum
№7 This animal is among the strangest Australian animals. They are the only mammals that hatch their young from eggs. They live only in Australia. The platypus
Task №3 «Wildlife in Australia». Let’s do a crossword. If a team guesses a word and spells this word correctly the team will get a star.
Crossword «Wildlife in Australia» Across: 1. This animal has sharp spines, which help it to be protected from enemies. ech idna
Crossword «Wildlife in Australia» Across: 2. It is known as a flower feeder. It has a long, thin tongue tipped with bristles for soaking its food. ech idna op m uss
Crossword «Wildlife in Australia» Down: 1. It is the largest bird of Australia. It cannot fly but it is a good runner. ech idna op m m u uss
Crossword «Wildlife in Australia» Down: 2. It is known as a wild dog. ech idna op n m m u uss i g
Crossword «Wildlife in Australia» Down: 3. This animal spends most part of its life in eucalyptus trees and eats only the leaves of these trees. ech idna op n m m u uss i g k o a l