Imagine… comprehensive professional school counseling
Questions to be answered… The Who? The What? The When? The Where? The How?
“Who” are school counselors? A little winding up and down counselor history here…
…hold on! 1907 …J. Davis, Principal/and English teacher 1908…Frank Parsons assisted youth transitioning from school to work. 1920’s/30’s…growth due to progressive education; declined due to The Depression 1940’s…psychologists recruited military personnel to test students; Carl Rogers influence
grip harder… 1950’s…government influence with NDEA due to Soviet launch of Sputnik 1960’s…federal funding establishes counselor education programs in universities; major shift 1970’s…view of “solitary professional” in schools lost due to comprehensive K-12 programs 1980’s/90’s…standards-based educational reform; counseling not considered a part
more twists ahead… In 1997… National Standards for School Counseling created by ASCA. Focus: closing the achievement gaps hindering life successes of school children Standards define roles/responsibilities of counseling programs; illustrate necessity for overall educational development of every child Title of “School counselors” evolved from guidance counselors
final turn to ride’s end… In 2002…ASCA releases the National Model Framework In 2004…Code of Ethics revised In 2008…ASCA releases School Counseling Competencies to implement “Comprehensive Professional School Counseling Programs.” Evolution of “Professional School Counselors!”
“We need to be the change we want to see happen; we are the leaders we have been waiting for.”
The “What?” American School Counselor Association and the Louisiana Comprehensive Professional School Counseling Models These are guides used to implement the comprehensive program… Now, a mini-review of the models…
What are the models? Collaborative efforts benefitting students, parents, teachers, administrators and the community Comprehensive, data-driven frameworks proactively addressing academic, career and personal/social skills Integral parts of students’ daily educational environments
they also… Provide avenues for students to acquire attitudes, knowledge and skills Represent school counselor skills and attitudes of leadership, advocacy and collaboration, which lead to systemic change Answer: “How are students different as a result of what professional school counselors do?”
What are the parts? FOUNDATION: based on school’s goals for student achievement (how students will benefit) DELIVERY SYSTEM: activities, interactions and methods to deliver the program MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: organizational processes/tools ensuring program is concrete, delineated and reflective of school’s needs ACCOUNTABILITY: evaluation, data collection and use linking it to student achievement
What’s in the foundation? BELIEFS and PHILOSOPHY…set principles guiding the program MISSION…program’s purpose and goals; aligns with missions of the school and district
What’s the delivery system? GUIDANCE CURRICULUM…structured lessons for student achievement of desired competencies; knowledge and skills appropriate to developmental level; infused in school’s overall curriculum systematically presented INDIVIDUAL STUDENT PLANNING…ongoing systematic activities assisting individuals in establishing personal goals/developing future plans
RESPONSIVE SERVICES…activities meeting the immediate needs of students due to life events; require counseling, consultation, referral, mediation or information SYSTEMS SUPPORT…requires administration and management to establish, maintain, and enhance the total program
What’s the management system? MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT…ensures effective implementation of the delivery system; addresses school counseling program organization and what will be accomplished; negotiated with/approved by administrator at beginning of school year ADVISORY COUNCIL…committee (counselor, student, teacher, administrator, community member) appointed to review counseling program and make recommendations
USE OF DATA…used to affect change; counselors must show activities implemented were developed from analysis of students’ needs and/or achievement ACTION PLANS…plan outlining the process and desired result to be achieved
USE OF TIME…80% in direct service to students (f2f) is the goal; adherence to recommended time guideline to four delivery services components is encouraged USE OF CALENDARS…weekly/monthly information sources for students, parents, teachers and administrators
What’s accountability? RESULTS REPORTS…ensure programs are carried out, analyzed for effectiveness, modified as needed PERFORMANCE STANDARDS…counselor standards of practice; basis for evaluation PROGRAM AUDIT…collection of information to guide future action of program
“Change is the law of life…and those who look only to the past or the present, are certain to miss the future.”
The “When”… NOW! or never!
The “Where”… A comprehensive professional school counseling program is being implemented in all Lafourche Parish Schools including pre-K to high school and two alternative sites. Location of Lafourche Parish: We’re over here…
The “How”… Refer to: “Implementation of a Comprehensive School Counseling Program…The Process; The Phases” brochure. Refer to: “Principal/Counselor Questionnaire” handout. A “baby step” change in each quadrant was planned and is currently being implemented…here’s what Lafourche is doing:
In the foundation component… Collaborated efforts between the school counselor and the principal to develop mission and belief/philosophy statements for the counseling services at their school Deadlines established, copies on file in central office
In the delivery services component… Delivery of two mandatory classroom guidance lessons required by all counselors Support groups required Minimum of one parenting session In system support, counselor not testing coordinator nor chairs of PBS, RTI, SBLC committees…however, expected to do fair share in each
In the management component… Written management agreement between principal and counselor required Written action plans (modified) for classroom guidance lessons, support groups and parent sessions required Counselor calendar required (monthly)
and in the accountability component… District needs assessment to be conducted in spring Introduction of “Professional School Counselor Performance Standards” and “Student Competencies” End of year program auditing
a few other changes… Position title Clearer delineation of administrative tasks and clerical duties Provision of more networking and professional development opportunities
Where we’re going next… Review mission, belief/philosophy statements Require additional lesson in another domain Require more support groups Review “management agreement” Establish advisory council at each school Create data reports Weekly calendars Continue towards “f2f/80%” goal
What to expect… RESISTANCE!
If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting!
Join Lafourche in working with students to get… higher academic achievement improved personal/social skills realistic career decisions Implement the Comprehensive Professional School Counseling Model!
Sources… American School Counselor Association (ASCA)
a final quote… “It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power!” ~Alan Cohen
Q & A… CONTACT INFORMATION… Michael J. Lefort Professional School Counselor Coordinator Lafourche Parish Schools P.O. Box East 7 th Street Thibodaux, LA