McCarter & English
About the firm 860 Users 365 Attorneys 16 Practice Groups 7 Offices – Newark, New York, Philadelphia, Hartford, Stamford, Baltimore & Wilmington
DOCS Partially distributed environment Database & document servers in 4 locations. Other locations ran via Citrix. 7 DOCS libraries Document types per practice group Centralized environment 1 Database (clustered) server; single database Document servers in 2 locations (will be centralized to 1 location this summer). Matter workspace templates per practice group WorkSite
Why Matter Centric? Build an electronic matter file; not just another DM Save & share without having to profile each message. No need to create saved searches or projects for matters as was done in DOCS. Future integration with other applications
Piloting the System 1 practice group that was located in a single office and did not share many documents with other groups Short training classes were given and floor support provided after the conversion Initial feedback was not what we had hoped for. Users were frustrated.
Lessons Learned from the Pilot Redesigned classes focusing on working day to day within the matter. Longer classes and additional floor support. Hired an outside training company. Emphasized the benefits of matter centricity during classes. Delayed finalizing practice group workspace templates until the attorneys received training.
Rollout Plan Order of conversion –Main office –Practice groups by practice group –Administrative staff then branch offices. IT did not attempt to dictate folder structures. Worked with the practice group leaders to finalize. Provided access to DOCS for those that worked across groups. Any matters being worked on with groups not yet converted were excluded until complete.
Sample Workspace Templates:
Conversion Users were trained during the week Conversion occurred over the weekend Multiple tools were used: –SwitchBlade, Workspace generator and custom scripts Recent Edits, saved searches and projects were converted
Current Workspace Creation The firms new business Word macro was modified to include: – a practice group –workspace template –attorney selection For unopened matters: –Each user was given a To be Filed folder Intended as a temporary solution
Workspace Creation - Future The firm is moving to a new web- based matter intake system in Q2 of Document Automation Partners Workspace Builder will be utilized to create the workspaces. Users will store documents in To Be Filed until the workspace is available.
Results - Overall Overall, positive feedback from the firm. Increased metadata accuracy. Since the conversion has been fully completed: – approximately 25,000 s per month are filed The firm has modified their policy –printing of for filing is no longer required.
Results - Attorneys Browsing workspaces –Has reduced the need to search Now file their own –More complete files. Paper is now scanned by some attorneys –entire file is available from any location Taken ownership of the process –Attorneys enforce filing of document and
Results – Support Staff No profiles! Eliminated task of filing printed s. Improved searching – not dependent on attorneys, floaters, temps correctly profiling documents. All documents in one place when assisting other attorneys in the group.
If we had it to do again…. Less time before the demo of the system and the actual rollout While having matter templates per practice group has worked well –matter type would have been the better choice. Would have worked with the practice group leaders a little sooner prior to conversion to allow more time to finalize templates.
Whats Next? Develop workspaces for forms, good documents, etc. with each practice group Develop client extranets Integration with other applications Provide advanced training for users Other uses for FileSite/WorkSite web. For example, use for internal committees, to help market capabilities within the firm.
Sample of Custom WorkSite Web: