Data results for inclusive all-hadronic (RA  with 318 nb -1 SUSY Hadronic/GMSB Meeting 27-08-10 [C. Rogan et al.] Data Plots Towards.


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Presentation transcript:

Data results for inclusive all-hadronic (RA  with 318 nb -1 SUSY Hadronic/GMSB Meeting [C. Rogan et al.] Data Plots Towards Jamboree Introduction and full analysis path + full MC analysis shown by Chris yesterday AN- will appear very soon (possibly next week)

CMS DATA Fully-Inclusive Hadronic SUSY Search [C.Rogan et. al.] New variables to be used together for discovery and characterization of SUSY  Doesn’t involve MET  Uses both transverse and longitudinal information  Peaks for signal events - falls exponentially for backgrounds  Dimension-less - for S/B discrimination  Suppresses backgrounds and shapes distributions in the variable in a predictable and well- understood way - the Razor SUSY LM1 Alpgen QCD N.B. Good Data/MC agreement w/ ALPGEN - NOT w/ Pythia (see backup)

Analysis using these variables sensitive to SUSY LM1 with ~10 pb -1 of data for PF jet, Calo jet and/or Track jet analysis (JPT in progress) PF Jets Track Jets Calo Jets MR Peaks for signal events - falls exponentially for backgrounds in all cases (see also back-up)

4 Exponential behavior invariant under cleaning procedure Min-Bias data from June 16th ReReco Variables robust against detector mis-measurements/noise/spurious effects Data/MC comparisons in control regions towards background estimations (Loose R cuts + different control regions = over- constrained bkg yields in signal region)


6 Selection/Sample Details  For everything shown in this talk:  7 TeV MC (see back-up slide for list of samples)  7 TeV Data (up to run right now ~318 nb -1 )  OR of HT200 and Jet110 triggers (for the moment)  PF MET used (tcMET or corrected caloMET fine too)  Require di-jets satisfying (parallel analyses):  NO explicit lepton/photon reco or ID in constructing these variables  If > 2 reco jets, form two hemispheres by minimizing invariant masses added in quadrature (see back-up slides) Corrected Calo jets Corrected PF jetsUncorrected Track jets Loose jet ID Only high quality tracks w/ vertex consistent with reco PV considered for clustering

7 The Razor in data (I) PF jets

M R and R in Data (II) 8 CMS DATA Alpgen QCD MC Behavior of M R and R is confirmed with data both qualitatively and quantitatively

9 Loose R, PF Jet Analysis (318 nb -1 )

10 Loose R, PF Jet Analysis (318 nb -1, )

11 Tighter R, PF Jet Analysis (318 nb -1 )

12 Tighter R, PF Jet Analysis (318 nb -1 )

13 Towards Backgrounds Estimations  Using a loose R-cuts we have a QCD dominated sample which we can use to measure the QCD slope, as a function of R-cut, in the low M R region  Can do this in any region with QCD population in low M R QCD background control sample from data

14 SUPER-PRELIMINARY Discovery Potential 14 3  Observation5  Discovery Here, we look at estimated sensitivity for a PF Jets based search, doing a counting experiment and estimating systematic uncertainty assuming ratios of events in control regions to signal region (conservative estimate) Sensitivity comparable for each jet type considered