Systems Requirements for RTI The nuts and bolts that hold it all together!
Objectives: Sample of the BIG IDEAS of RTI Prompt comparisons to current practice Prime participants for more details later
Historical v. RTI Approaches Who identifies struggling students? Who develops interventions? Who implements interventions? Which is promoted: A culture of teamwork or a culture of parallel programs?
Daisy participates in the general curriculum Daisy’s teacher does His/her best to differentiate instruction and keeps anecdotal data Daisy isn’t doing well Teacher is told to try again Daisy improves Pre-referral team reviews what teacher has tried Resumes regular program Teacher’s effort is deemed sufficient Daisy doesn’t improve Special Education referral is initiated by the teacher Teacher tries again The historical approach
Daisy participates in the general core curriculum EBIS Team reviews screening data and places Daisy in group intervention Daisy isn’t doing well Daisy improves Daisy improves EBIS Team determines individually designed intervention Resumes general program Daisy doesn’t improve Daisy doesn’t improve Special Education referral is initiated Daisy probably recycles Daisy may recycle Intervention is intense and LD is suspected Improvement is good and other factors are suspected as cause The RTI Approach
The Historical v. RTI Approach Who identifies struggling students? Who develops interventions? Who implements interventions? Which is promoted: A culture of teamwork or a culture of parallel programs?
Your assignment... Read “How the EBIS Team Process Works”How the EBIS Team Process Works When you have completed the reading do one of the following on chart paper Report out an idea that was new and interesting Ask a clarifying question
System Requirements… An Overview Leadership at all levels Teaming Use of a research based core reading curriculum Universal screening Implementation of research based interventions Progress monitoring Policy and procedure development (standardization) Professional development including fidelity of implementation.
#1 Leadership District Level AND School Level
#2 Teaming Collaboration is the key: Membership might include… Principal Classroom Teachers Specialists School Counselor School Psychologist
Your Assignment... Look on page 23 of the EBIS document. Do a self assessment on your school/district Discuss at your table. It is OK to be at ANY level. Implementing large changes to a school district is an ongoing process which will last years.
#3 Research- Based CORE Program RTI is predicated on effective, research- based programs that include the BIG 5 components of reading: Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension
Teaching Reading… A View from 1980 Reading is a natural process An enriching environment is the most important factor Discreet skills cannot be targeted (and even if they could, they shouldn’t be) Good readers don’t decode – they rely on context “Love of reading” is the ultimate goal
Differences in Learning to Read Estimates from NICHD research (NC Dept. of Public Education) Population %Journey to ReadingInstructional Requirements 5 Easy: children read before starting school Need no formal decoding instruction 35 Relatively EasyLearn to read regardless of instructional approach 40 Formidable ChallengeNeed systematic and explicit instruction 20 One of the most difficult tasks to be mastered during schooling Need intensive, systematic, direct, multi- sensory instruction
More about the CORE Important Facts : Students can not be identified as LD if their difficulty is due to a lack of instruction in the BIG 5. Research-based program must be implemented as designed (fidelity)
#4 Universal Screening Assessment and RTI : Universal screening must occur for ALL students at least three times per year (fall, winter, spring) Procedures must identify which students are proficient (80%) and which are deficient (20%). Procedures will lead to data for decision making about: How to create instructional change for ALL Which students need additional intervention
#5 Interventions must… Be research-based Increase the intensity of instruction More time Smaller groups Focus on essential skills Be regularly monitored Be delivered with fidelity Be coordinated at the district level Include ongoing training pgs
#6 Progress Monitoring Progress monitor all students needing additional intervention Frequency is determined by district decision rules Monthly Twice per month Weekly Twice per week
More on Progress Monitoring Establish aimlines Make changes as needed based on progress monitoring data Review the EBIS Decision Rules pgs. 5-7pgs. 5-7
#7 Policy and Procedure Development (Standardization) Districts must adopt common procedures for doing this work: Decision Rules Forms SpEd Procedures Think of RtI as a standardized test
# 8 Professional Development Must happen in each of the following areas: Core curriculum and instruction Interventions Teaming Data-based decision making Special Education
System Requirements… An Overview Leadership at all levels Teaming Use of a research based core reading curriculum Universal screening Implementation of research based interventions Progress monitoring Policy and procedure development (standardization) Professional development including fidelity of implementation.