State Update: Is there a four-leaf clover in Missouri’s future?
Today’s Agenda Missouri legislative and budget news for higher education State aid programs College Access Challenge Grant FFELP parent PLUS auction and LLR for PLUS MDHE: Improving access to higher education in Missouri MDHE survey
Missouri Legislative and Budget News
Budget Update HB 3 Possible transfer of SFA programs to the MDHE Federal stimulus
Big Issues Access Missouri award adjustments –HB 792 and SB 390 Missouri Promise –HB 903 and SB 558 Immigration –HB 390
Other Bills to Watch Bills adjusting the term “combat veteran” in the Missouri Returning Heroes’ Education Act of 2008 –HB 627 (Rep. Schaaf, R-St. Joseph) extends eligibility to combat veterans serving prior to September 11, 2001 Hasn’t been heard by committee –HB 738 (Rep. Schaaf, R-St. Joseph) extends eligibility to veterans who meet institutional requirements for Missouri residency Hasn’t been heard by committee HB 666 (Rep. Witte, D-Vandalia) –Would give military dependents eligibility for in-state tuition at Missouri’s public postsecondary institutions Hasn’t been heard by committee
Missouri Bills to Watch HB 631 (Rep. Jones, R-Eureka) –Would adjust the Missouri Teaching Fellows Program to allow people who have just received their teaching certificates to sign up for the program Currently students must sign up for the program their senior year of high school –Would allow students to start receiving up to $5,000 in annual stipend payments as early as 2011 –Has been voted out of committee
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State Aid News and Updates
State Aid Programs FY 09 Status Bright Flight –$16.3 M appropriated/$15.7 M available for awards –8,245 students funded –$15.6 M dollars awarded –AY approval letters mailed this week Access Missouri –$95.8 M appropriated/$92.7 M available for awards –42,693 students funded –$89.2 M dollars awarded
State Aid Program Data Bright Flight –FY 2008 – 2,513 initial; 6,316 renewal –FY 2009 – 1,786 initial; 6,459 renewal –FY 2010 – 8,000 projected (6% initial growth) Access Missouri (FY 2009) –60% Pell eligible –$4,063 average EFC/$41,234 average AGI –40% first generation college students
FAMOUS School Interface Conversion –Planning and development complete –Testing phase in process –Projected implementation – Summer 2009 –Training Updated user manual Planning for Webinar-based training Fall workshops
State Aid Rule Changes Survivor grants and Ross-Barnett –Public comment begins April 1 –Projected effective date – 8/30/2009 Residency rule still in process Previous rule changes –All programs Added disability language (full-time) Unified institutional eligibility rule General reorganization/language revision
State Aid Rule Changes Previous Rule Changes (cont.) –Bright Flight Award amount adjustments Clarify qualifying score language –Other revisions Disability status (PSO & VV) Semester-based awards (PSO, VV, & MRB) Clarified renewal GPA (MRB) Added age/death limitations (VV) –Additions/deletions
State Aid Changes Bright Flight 2011 Tiered Eligibility –Implemented – Fall 2010 –Displayed in FAMOUS – January 2010 –Minimum Scores Announced – August 2009 Kid’s Chance Implementation –FAFSA by April 30 –Apply to Kid’s Chance of Missouri by April 30 –Applications available from– High school counselor
College Access Challenge Grant High school financial literacy materials –Currently under development –Broad-based, multi-use “Sub-grant” program –15 completed proposals –Review team of secondary & postsecondary reps. –Review complete by mid-April –Awards in May Website enhancements
Federal and Industry News Impacting the MDHE
Competitive Loan Auction Pilot Program Federal Registers published March 2 and March 3 –Parent PLUS Lender of Last Resort (LLR) for new parent borrowers beginning July 1, 2009 MDHE would NOT administer but would guarantee these loans See: the March issue of the Digest
President Obama’s Budget Proposal Released February 26 for FY2010 –Would establish $5,550 as the new base appropriation for Pell and the maximum award for –Eliminate FFELP –Permanently establish the $2,500 American Opportunity Tax Credit –Modernize the Perkins Loan program Would no longer be “campus-based” Funding would be increased See: the March issue of the Digest
MDHE Outreach Activities For and
The MDHE’s Mission To deliver an affordable, quality, coordinated postsecondary education system and increase successful participation [in higher education], benefitting all Missourians.
MDHE Outreach Activities In accordance with its mission, the MDHE has focused heavily on outreach in recent years Outreach services include: –College fairs –Financial aid workshops for high school students and their parents –High school counselor workshops –Presentations to community groups –Sponsorship of College Goal Sunday These activities are funded by the MDHE’s role as a FFELP guarantor
Increased Activities This Year Total speaking requests = 51 Workshops actually conducted = 36 (70.6%) Total audiences reached = 1, (YTD) Total speaking requests = 85 –Increase of 66.7% over last year Workshops actually conducted = 76 (89.4%) –Increase of 111.1% Total audiences reached = 3,158 (YTD through 3/04/2009) –Increase of 81.8%
Audiences Reached through speakers bureau requests
Publication Updates Materials distributed –Just under 200,000 pieces distributed –YTD , distributed 320,045 pieces through 2/24/2009 Increase of approximately 60% over last year (so far) publications all receiving a facelift –9 new student models from 5 different Missouri institutions
FAO Survey Underway Surveys mailed before the conference –Return completed surveys to the MDHE’s exhibit booth to receive a small thank-you surprise –Post conference, completed surveys may be: Returned to your MDHE client service representative OR Faxed to Surveys are anonymous and will be used to guide future MDHE services
Questions or comments? 3515 Amazonas Drive Jefferson City, MO 651O9 (8OO) (573) Fax (573)