The Solar System
Mercury l Closest to the sun l Revolves around sun in 88 days l Dark and rocky surface l Vast sheets of ice in polar regions l One-third Earth’s force of gravity
Venus l Brightest object in sky l Complete cloud cover l Atmosphere nearly all CO2 l Exhibits phases like the moon l Called morning/evening star
Earth l Fifth largest in diameter l Only planet known to support life l Slightly flattened at poles l Consists of five parts l Moving through space at 45,000 mph
Mars l Appears fiery red in night sky l About half the diameter of Earth l Surface similar to dry land on Earth l Year is about two Earth days long l Has two moons
Jupiter l Largest planet in solar system l Dense ball of gas l Rotates on its axis in about 9.9 hours l Discovered by Galileo in 1610 l Strong magnetic field
Saturn l Second largest planet l Has seven rings