Central Idea The Earth is a part of a vast and complex universe that operates on a set of constant principles.
. A day on mercury is very long One day on mercury lasts almost 59 days on earth. A year in mercury is very short. It takes earth 365 days to go round the sun. A year in mercury is only 88 earth days. Since mercury’s year is so short, and it’s day is so long, the planet only has 3 days for every 2 years.
► Days on Venus are very long. ► One day is as long as 243 days on earth. ► A year is only 255 earth days long. So, a day is longer than a year in Venus. ► Venus orbits around the sun. ► It spins on it’s axis. ► On Venus the sun rises in the west and sets on the east. This is because it spins backwards on it’s axis. In other words, it spins on the opposite direction of the earth.
The Earth use to be hot and many active volcanoes were there till one day many meteors hit the Earth's ground, it exploded and sent a massive amount of water from it. And that’s how we got the ocean. The Earth use to be hot and many active volcanoes were there till one day many meteors hit the Earth's ground, it exploded and sent a massive amount of water from it. And that’s how we got the ocean. The water covers 70 % of the Earth. In other words two thirds. The water covers 70 % of the Earth. In other words two thirds. It has vast platues ( low lying, flat land. ) It has vast platues ( low lying, flat land. ) The Earth is the only planet with living organisms. It is also known for its magnificent beauty. The Earth is the only planet with living organisms. It is also known for its magnificent beauty. It spins like a top on its axis It spins like a top on its axis The earth travels around the sun at about 67,000 miles per hour and one year is one trip round the sun. The earth travels around the sun at about 67,000 miles per hour and one year is one trip round the sun. Our earth can bend light. For example, when we are on the earth, the stars twinkle because there are some certain gases that make them twinkle while in space, they do not twinkle. Our earth can bend light. For example, when we are on the earth, the stars twinkle because there are some certain gases that make them twinkle while in space, they do not twinkle. EARTH OUR PLANET!!!
MARS Mars is one of the brightest object in the night sky. It looks like a reddish star. The ancient Romans named mars after their god of war because it was the color of blood. Mars is almost like earth. It is a small,red,rockey planet. It has a mountain called Olympus Mons.It is the biggest mountain in the solar system.
Jupiter It’s the biggest planet in our solar system. It’s a gas planet It has a strong gravity
Saturn It has rings. It has more than 56 moons. It’s a gas planet. Its an outer plant. It’s the sixth planet.
Uranus Its tipped on its side Its tipped on its side It has faint rings It has faint rings It’s a gas planet It’s a gas planet Its an outer planet Its an outer planet It is the seventh planet. It is the seventh planet.
NEPTUNE. Neptune was like a long lost planet. Neptune was like a long lost planet. It was discovered in It was discovered in It is named after the Roman god of the sea. It is named after the Roman god of the sea. It is also known as the “giant planet” or the “windiest planet”. It is also known as the “giant planet” or the “windiest planet”. Neptune has no solid ground. It's atmosphere is made of gases Neptune has no solid ground. It's atmosphere is made of gases It’s winds are fierce. So fierce that it could blow you away. It’s winds are fierce. So fierce that it could blow you away.
MOON The moon has many craters. The moon has many craters. The Moon may have formed as the result of a giant collision between a planet-like body and Earth. Scientists believe the collision happened about 4.6 billion years ago, when Earth was still forming. The collision blasted off some of Earth's outer mantle into space. After the giant collision blasted a portion of Earth into space, the blasted- off material began orbiting, or circling around, Earth. The gravity of Earth held the material in orbit. The material was mostly molten rock. Soon, the material orbiting Earth began sticking together. It formed a mass of bubbling hot, molten rock. The mass grew larger and larger, and eventually all the material orbiting Earth became part of it. The Moon had formed!