8 th Grade Parent Meeting
ENGLISH REQUIREMENTS GENERAL DIPLOMA GENERAL: ADVANCED HONORS ENDORSEMENT English 9 HR English 9 English 10HR English 10 English 11HR English 11 English 12HR English 12
MATHEMATICS REQUIREMENTS GENERAL DIPLOMA GENERAL: ADVANCED HONORS ENDORSEMENT Pre-Alg/Alg I Algebra 1 or HR Algebra 1 or Algebra 1 (fast paced) Pre-Geo./Geo. Geometry or HR Geo. or Geometry (fast paced) Algebraic Connections HR Alg 2 with Trig Algebra 2 Honors Level Math Elective
SCIENCE REQUIREMENTS GENERAL DIPLOMA GENERAL: ADVANCED HONORS ENDORSEMENT Physical ScienceHR Biology BiologyCP Chemistry 1 Two Approved ScienceCP Physics Electives Upper Level Science Elective
SOCIAL STUDIES REQUIREMENTS GENERAL DIPLOMA GENERAL: ADVANCED HONORS ENDORSEMENT World History Honors World History U.S. History to 1877 Honors U.S. History to 1877 U.S. History to Present Honors U.S. History to Present Government & Honors Government Economics & Economics
REQUIRED ELECTIVES GENERAL DIPLOMA GENERAL: ADVANCED HONORS ENDORSEMENT Physical Education Career Preparedness Health Ed. Career Tech Ed, and/or Arts Education, and/or Foreign Language (HR must take 2 semesters of the same Foreign Language). 3 credits taken from these areas in any combination. However, students are encouraged to complete 2 in sequence. 6 ½ Additional Elective Credits – Student Choice
Other REQUIREMENTS GENERAL DIPLOMA GENERAL: ADVANCED HONORS ENDORSEMENT 28 credits to Graduate 30 credits to Graduate Requires 3.5 GPA All students will take End Of Course Assessments (EOC) in designated courses. 10 th grade will take ASPIRE 11 th grade will take ACT 12 th grade will take ACT WorkKeys
SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF EACH GRADE LEVEL Grade 9 (Freshman)*Successful completion of Middle School Grade 10 (Sophomore)*Successful completion of 7 credits and completed Plan of Study (4-year high school plan) Grade 11 (Junior)*Successful completion of 14 credits Grade 12 (Senior)*Successful completion of 20 credits – and must be able to complete all graduation requirements within the year WEIGHTING OF GRADES AP & Dual Enrollment Honors & College Prep General Courses A = 5.5 pointsA = 5 pointsA = 4 points B = 4.5 pointsB = 4 pointsB = 3 points C = 3.5 pointsC = 3 pointsC = 2 points D = 2.5 pointsD = 2 pointsD = 1 points E = ineligible
Incoming Freshmen Options – Signature Page Student’s name___________________________________ Date__________ Grades Math 8 / Math 8 Advanced 1 st Qtr. ________, 2 nd Qtr. ________, 3 rd Qtr. ________ 9 th grade recommendation (circle one) General Diploma or Honors Endorsement Teacher’s Signature______________________________ Language Arts 1 st Qtr. ________, 2 nd Qtr. ________, 3 rd Qtr. ________ 9 th grade recommendation (circle one) General Diploma or Honors Endorsement Teacher’s Signature______________________________ Science 1 st Qtr. ________, 2 nd Qtr. ________, 3 rd Qtr. ________ 9 th grade recommendation (circle one) General Diploma or Honors Endorsement Teacher’s Signature______________________________ Social Studies 1 st Qtr. ________, 2 nd Qtr. ________, 3 rd Qtr. ________ 9 th grade recommendation (circle one) General Diploma or Honors Endorsement Teacher’s Signature______________________________ I would like for my child to pursue the: ______Alabama General Diploma (college and career ready) I understand once my child starts the track for the Alabama General Diploma, he/she cannot move up to the Advanced Honors Endorsement. ______Alabama General Diploma with Advanced Honors Endorsement (college and career ready) I understand if my child begins to struggle/fail his/her Honors classes and wants to move to the General Diploma track, there are three times a year this can be done. At the beginning of each semester (Aug/Sept. and Jan.) and at the end of the school year and over the summer. I understand if my child decides to follow the General Diploma track, I will need to conference with the high school counselor and sign the Change Diploma Request Form. Parent Signature:___________________________________ Date: __________ Student Signature:__________________________________ Date: __________
Sample Student Schedule
CONTACT INFORMATION Gina McDaniel 9th and 10 th grade counselor Extension 13606
Presentations and handouts from tonight can be found on the Alma Bryant website at: From the school web site you can access the counselor page by clicking on the Guidance tab at the top of the page. On the Guidance page click on the link: On the left-hand side of the screen click on: Freshman & Sophomores – Mrs. McDaniel