Welcome Patriot Parents The Nitty Gritty HS details Kristy Carter, Professional School Counselor Hannah Cobb, Assistant Principal
All NC high school students are expected to meet specific course and credit requirements, testing standards and performance requirements in order to receive a high school diploma. The Future Ready Core… Graduation Requirements Class of 2018 English (4 credits) English I, II, III & IV Social Studies (4 credits) World History Civics & Economics American History I American History II Health/PE (1 credit req.)
Science (3 credits) Earth Environmental Biology Physical Science (which also includes Chemistry and Physics) Foreign Language (opt.) Required minimum of 2 for application to UNC. The Future-Ready Core Continued...
Mathematics (4 credits) Math I Math II Math III At least one Advanced Math Course beyond Math III Bridge courses offered also include Introduction to High School Math and Foundations of Algebra, which can count toward needed math credits… The Future Ready Core Continued….
Additional Requirements (6 Credits) 2 Elective credits of any combination from either Career and Technical Education (CTE), Arts Education, or Foreign Languages 4 Elective credits strongly recommended (a four-course concentration) from one of the following: - Career & Technical Education (CTE) - Arts Education (dance, music, theater arts, or visual arts) - Any other subject area (mathematics, science, social studies, or English The Future Ready Core Continued…..
ABSS Requirements for Graduation and Promotion 28 credits to graduate (more than the state requires) 6 credits to be promoted from grade 9 to 10 12 credits to be promoted from grade 10 to 11 20 credits to be promoted from grade 11 to 12 Capstone Project (optional)
Students must... Begin planning for the program before entering grade 9 to ensure they obtain the most flexibility in their courses. Complete all the requirements of the Academic Scholars Program. Have an overall 4-year unweighted grade point average of 3.5. Complete all requirements for a NC High School Diploma. NC Academic Scholars Program
Grade Academic (Regular/CP) Honors AP Advanced Placement A456 B345 C234 D123 F000
Must pass at least 3 out of 4 classes the semester prior to an application for your permit or license. Must maintain good grades (report sent to DMV each semester). Must attend school on a regular basis (i.e. cannot drop out). Driver’s Eligibility...
Athletic Eligibility Must pass at least 3 out of 4 classes the semester prior to the sport season. Must attend school at least 85% of the semester prior to the sport season. (no more than 13 days- excused or unexcused absences) Must have a current physical exam.
Additional Programs and Resources Success Academy Naviance Career and College Promise
Student Attendance Students should not miss more than 10 days, unexcused Students must turn in notes within 3 days of returning to school after an absence Students need to communicate with their teachers to make-up any missing assignments from each of their 4 classes If students are in violation of their attendance, they will receive a 65/F for their classes unless the absence is appealed and granted by the attendance committee