T HE M OON I NVESTIGATION 2 R EVIEW Hint: Pay special attention to the underlined parts!
P ART 1 N IGHT S KY OBSERVATIONS : V OCABULARY Moon : Earth’s natural satellite Cycle : is a repeating pattern Star : a point of light in the night sky
P ART 1 N IGHT S KY OBSERVATIONS : B IG IDEAS Objects in the night sky include the Moon, stars, and other planets Earth is one of the several planets that orbit the Sun in the solar system The Moon orbits Earth The Moon can appear in the sky during both night and day (unless, of course, it’s a New Moon!)
P ART 1 N IGHT S KY OBSERVATIONS : BIG Q UESTIONS What natural objects can you see in the night sky? [ Moon, stars, clouds, rain, fog. ] Are they the same or different from those you see in the day sky? [ Some are the same and some are different ] Do the stars and Moon change position or stay in the same place every night? [ They change position ]
P ART 2 M OON P HASES : V OCABULARY Moon phase: The shape of the bright part of the Moon New Moon: Occurs when the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun First-quarter moon : Occurs when the Moon is halfway between new-Moon position and full-Moon position. The right half of the Moon’s face is lit Third-quarter moon : Occurs when the Moon is halfway between full-Moon position and new-Moon position. The left half of the Moon’s face is lit. Full moon : Occurs when Earth is positioned between the Sun and the Moon
P ART 2 M OON P HASES : V OCABULARY Crescent moon: any phase of the moon that has less than half of its face illuminated Gibbous moon: any phase of the Moon that has more than half of its face illuminated Waxing moon: When the face of the moon is looks larger each day Waning moon: When the face of the moon is looks smaller each day
P ART 2 M OON P HASES : B IG IDEAS The Moon changes its appearance, or phase, in a regular pattern over 4 weeks. Moon phase is the part of the Moon that is visible from Earth
PART 2 MOON PHASES : BIG QUESTIONS How does the shape of the Moon change over 4 weeks? In a predictable pattern over and over! It takes 4 weeks for the Moon to go through all the phases. We can call that a lunar cycle ]
PART 2 MOON PHASES : BIG QUESTIONS Why does the shape of the moon appear to change each night? Because the Moon revolves around the Earth! Why does the Moon appear to move across the sky each night? Because the Earth rotates on its axis!