Agnese Presotto architect Tel. + 39 432-271456 UDINE: Activities June 2009 – November 2009 Cyber - Display Project.


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Presentation transcript:

Agnese Presotto architect Tel UDINE: Activities June 2009 – November 2009 Cyber - Display Project

UDINE: Activities from: June 2009 – November 2009 school program: ”Let’s bring Energy at school!” It is ongoing and it will finish at the end of May a school program with 300 students involved in 15 primary schools (classes with 9-10 years children). it will be provided an award to the more sustainable school (I accept suggestions!) Project task 2 – education on energy efficiency

Approach: -1 Meeting with teachers -1.5 hour class -1 hour “orienteering competition”. Participants find their way to various checkpoints with questions on “energy topics “ Project task 2 – education on energy efficiency Materials: - A book for teachers - Book for students and families with Cyber Display stickers inside UDINE: Activities from: June 2009 – November 2009

Brochure Brochure “Are you an eco-citizen?” lots of advices on energy savings and more sustainable behaviours and a final survey Project task 3 – Communication campaigns UDINE: Activities from: June 2009 – November 2009

September 2009: Stand at “Friuli DOC” eno-gastronomic fair that every year take place in Udine Project task 3 – Communication campaigns We worked in collaboration with: 1.Provincial Energy Agency: provided materials … 2. a technical high school: provided models of renewable energy sources 3. Private companies: provided examples of efficient technologies 16 mq stand panel Energy labelscommunication Good practices Efficient tecnohologies UDINE: Activities from: June 2009 – November 2009

Stand at “Friuli DOC” fair 2009 Our “sporty” Deputy major while trying the energy bike FV beach chair Project task 3 – Communication campaigns heolic heolicturbine 2 bikes Stand panel LED lights UDINE: Activities from: June 2009 – November 2009

CO2 emissions compensation of Friuli DOC 2009 Project task 3 – Communication campaigns Finally, in collaboration with our Energy Agency, we calculate CO2 emissions of fair activities and we are compensating with 41 trees planted during the year UDINE: Activities from: June 2009 – November 2009

CO2 emissions compensation of Friuli DOC 2009 Project task 3 – Communication campaigns UDINE: Activities from: June 2009 – November 2009

Other recent events Presentation of Cyber-Display project : conference “ClimaHouse an opportunity for everyone” : Local User club “Plan energy, communicate energy!” Participation of close municipalities. Presentation of new Energy Local Plan of Udine, ClimaHouse & Display as communication tool October: Bologna “Com.Lab” fair on public communication NEXT activities December 09 – January 2010: web pages on Udine internet site, on Display project 2010: Education programmes with building managers and administrators: the eco-public officers. a survey on the intranet site of Udine municipality and a competition for the best public officer December 09 – January 2010: web pages on Udine internet site, on Display project 2010: Education programmes with building managers and administrators: the eco-public officers. a survey on the intranet site of Udine municipality and a competition for the best public officer

Balance of last six months POSITIVE ASPECTS Lots of activities done: in schools and inside the municipality Collaboration with offices which deal with ClimaHouse certification for private houses. Our aim is to be their partners for communication aspects. Very high attention on energy topics in Udine: the Major is really committed with the aim of energy efficiency, and he is aware about importance of communication.

Balance of last six months NEGATIVE ASPECTS Difficulties in involving others that doesn’t know Display: close municipalities, but also close offices! Difficult “regional situation” about energy certification systems: there are guided lines at national level, but we have a regional level (not well defined yet) and our municipal initiative to follow ClimaHouse system brought from Bolzano and Trento region. Everyone is going on his way! In a situation like this we find difficulties because “energy topics” are part of a wider political panel instead of being higher than political matters. ……….

NEXT events December 2009 : ENERGY DAYS in Udine December : educational activities with children on energy savings Conference: “Running together for the climate” presentation of signature of Covenant of Majors (end of November) Local projects and best practices from Firenze and Austria December – 13.00: courses for citizens on ecologic houses – 16.00: guided tours to Climahouse buildings, FV and mini- hydroelectric plants in Udine Mornings and afternoons: exposition of high schools activities on energy efficiency December 2009 : ENERGY DAYS in Udine December : educational activities with children on energy savings Conference: “Running together for the climate” presentation of signature of Covenant of Majors (end of November) Local projects and best practices from Firenze and Austria December – 13.00: courses for citizens on ecologic houses – 16.00: guided tours to Climahouse buildings, FV and mini- hydroelectric plants in Udine Mornings and afternoons: exposition of high schools activities on energy efficiency

Thank for the attention! Running together for the climate, December, Udine Agnese Presotto architect Tel