Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) UNFCCC – NAI GHG Inventory Software LULUCF Sector Exercise – The “Republic of Everywhere” CGE Training Materials National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Version 2, April 2012
Republic of Everywhere (RoE) - Beginning of Inventory Year FL (15) CL (10) GL (13) WL (16) SL (17) OL (11 ) 2 Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
RoE (end of inventory year) ∆C FL ∆C CL ∆C GL ∆C SL ∆C WL ∆C OL ∆C AFOLU = FL (10) CL (13) GL (12) WL (14) SL (25) OL (08 ) 3 Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Land Use Change Matrix of RoE 4 Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
A look at the sector tree for LULUCF (only some categories)… LULUCFFLFL=>FLBiomassSoils Non-CO2 from fire L=>FLCLCL=>CLBiomassL=>CLBiomassSoilGLGL=>GLSoilL=>GLBiomassWLWL=>WLSoilL=>WLSLOL We have chosen to consider only some source/sink categories for demonstration 5 Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
UNFCCC Software Open ‘START.xls’ Enter ‘Inventory year’ and ‘Country’ Choose ‘Land Use Change and Forestry’ You are all set and ready to go! 6 Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Sheet FL-1a(1-4): Annual change in carbon stocks in living biomass (Forest land remaining forest land) Parameter/Emission Factor/Activity DataValue Area of forest land remaining forest land (ha) Average annual net increment in volume suitable for industrial processing 5 Basic wood density (tonnes d.m.per m -3 fresh volume) 0.5 Biomass Expansion factor for conversion of annual net increment (including bark) to above ground tree biomass increment 1.25 Root-shoot ratio appropriate to increments 0.25 Carbon fraction of dry matter (default is 0.5) (tonnes C tonne d.m. -1 ) 0.5 Biomass density (tonnes d.m.m -3 fresh volume) 0.5 Fraction of biomass left to decay in forest (dimensionless) 0.1 Biomass expansion factor for converting volumes of extracted round wood to total aboveground biomass (including bark) (dimensionless) Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Sheet FL-1c2(1): Annual change in carbon stocks in organic soils (Forest land remaining forest land) Parameter/Emission Factor/Activity Data Value Area of drained organic forest soils Emission factor for CO 2 from drained organic forest soils (tonnes C ha -1 yr -1 )1.4 8 Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Sheet FL-1d(1): Non-CO 2 emissions from vegetation fires (Forest land remaining forest land) Parameter/Emission Factor/Activity DataValue Area burned (ha) Mass of available fuel (kg d.m. ha -1 ) Combustion efficiency or fraction of biomass combusted (dimensionless) 0.5 CH 4 Emission factor (g /kg d.m.) 5 CO Emission factor (g /kg d.m.) N 2 O Emission factor (g /kg d.m.) 0.20 NO x Emission factor (g /kg d.m.) Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Sheet CL-1a(1): Annual change in carbon stocks in living biomass (Cropland remaining cropland) Parameter/Emission Factor/Activity Data Value Annual area of cropland with perennial woody biomass (ha) Annual growth rate of perennial woody biomass (tonnes C ha -1 yr -1 ) 2 Annual carbon stock in biomass removed (tonnes C ha -1 yr -1 ) 1 10 Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Sheet CL-2a(1): Annual change in carbon stocks in living biomass (Land converted to cropland) Parameter/Emission Factor/Activity DataValue Annual area of forest land converted to cropland (ha yr -1 ) Annual area of grassland converted to croplands(hayr -1 ) Annual area of wetlands converted to croplands(hayr -1 ) Carbon stocks in biomass immediately after conversion to cropland0 Carbon stocks in biomass immediately before conversion to cropland for forest land (tonnes C ha -1 ) 150 Carbon stocks in biomass immediately before conversion to cropland for grassland (tonnes C ha -1 ) 10 Carbon stocks in biomass immediately before conversion to cropland for wetlands (tonnes C ha -1 ) 0 11 Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Sheet CL-2c2: Annual change in carbon stocks in organic soils (Land converted to cropland) Parameter/Emission Factor/Activity DataValues Land area of organic soils in climate type c which are converted to cropland (ha) Emission factor for climate type c (tonnes C ha -1 yr -1 ) Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Sheet GL-1c1(1 and 2): Annual change in carbon stocks in mineral soils (Grassland remaining grassland) Parameter/Emission Factor/Activity DataValue Land area of each parcel (ha) Inventory time period (years)20 Reference carbon stock (tonnes C ha -1 ) 50 Stock change factor for land use or land-use change type in the beginning of inventory year (dimensionless) 1.0 Stock change factor for management regime in the beginning of inventory year (dimensionless) 0.7 Stock change factor for input of organic matter in the beginning of inventory year (dimensionless) 1 Stock change factor for land use or land-use change type in the end of inventory year (dimensionless) 1.0 Stock change factor for management regime in the end of inventory year (dimensionless) 1 Stock change factor for input of organic matter in the end of inventory year (dimensionless) Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Sheet GL-2a: Annual change in carbon stocks in living and dead biomass (Land converted to grassland) Parameter/Emission Factor/Activity DataValue Area of land converted to grassland from forest land (ha/yr) Carbon stocks in biomass immediately after conversion to grassland (tonnes C ha -1 ) 0 Carbon stocks in forestland immediately before conversion (tonnes C ha -1 )150 Area of land converted to grassland from cropland (ha/yr) Carbon stocks in cropland immediately before conversion (tonnes C ha -1 )20 14 Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Sheet WL-1c: Annual carbon stock change in soil (Organic soils managed for peat extraction) Parameter/Emission Factor/Activity DataValue Area of nutrient rich organic soils managed for peat extraction, including abandoned areas in which drainage is still present (ha) Emission factor for CO 2 from nutrient rich organic soils managed for peat extraction (tonnes C ha -1 yr -1 ) 1.1 Area of nutrient poor organic soils managed for peat extraction, including abandoned areas in which drainage is still present (ha) Emission factor for CO 2 from nutrient poor organic soils managed for peat extraction (tonnes C ha -1 yr -1 ) Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
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