Dr. I.Purica Ministry of Environment Romania Kyoto Protocol and its implementation in Romania
Kyoto Protocol in Romania
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) UNFCCC - signed by Romania in ratified by Law no. 24/ Romania, a country with the process of transition to a market economy, is included in Annex I. National Commission on Climate Change - established by Governmental Decision H.G. no. 1275/ inter-ministerial body - coordinated by the Ministry of Environment and Water Management - to promote the necessary measures and actions for a unitary application of the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol’s provisions at the national level
Flexible mechanisms provided by Kyoto Protocol Joint Implementation (JI) between parties included in Annex I of UNFCCC (developed countries – economies in transition) The only mechanism implemented in Romania at this moment Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) between a party included in Annex I of UNFCCC and a party which is not on the list of Annex I (developed countries – developing countries) at this moment Romania has no projects in this direction Emissions Trade(ET) between parties included in Annex I of UNFCCC at this moment it is not an active mechanism EU ET Directive starts implementation
The Kyoto Protocol - signed at UNFCCC - COP 3 in Kyoto, in ratified in Romania by Law no. 3/ Romania was the first country from Annex I of UNFCCC to ratify this document. Bilateral Agreements - Agreements for Joint Implementation projects developing - Signed between Romanian Government and other states included in the Annex I of UNFCCC: the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, France and also with the World Bank (Prototype Carbon Fund). Statement of intent signed with Japan.
Kyoto Protocol – Romania’s commitments To reduce greenhouse gas emissions in with 8% from the emissions level recorded in 1989 To establish, no later than 2007, a national system for the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions To establish a National Registry of greenhouse gas emissions before the starting of the first commitment period To draft and implement policies with a view to promote sustainable development
Emission credits resource
GHG EMISSION CO 2 emission Net CO 2 emission CH N2ON2O PFCs TOTAL Thou. tones CO 2 Eq Greenhouse gas emissions trends by gas (Gg CO2 equivalent)
The past
Projects are registered by the Ministry of Environment and Water Management, These projects are analyzed within the National Commission on Climate Change and, depending of the decision, are proposed for further investigation in order to establish the proper documentations for approval. Project Design Document (PPD), examined by the National Commission on Climate Change, should contain: description of the project the baseline study monitoring plan project risks assessment
List of Joint Implementation Projects in Romania No ProjectsAgreement 1. Swiss Thermal Energy Project in Buzau and Pascani (AIJ/JI) MoU Switzerland 2.2.Development of the municipal utilities - Heating System in Fagaras - second stage MoU Norway 3. Modernisation of 3 hydro units in Portile de Fier I hydrostation project ERUPT 2 – the Netherlands 4.Refurbishing of the cement factories Alesd and Campulung ERUPT 2 – the Netherlands 5.Modernization of the first 4 hydro units in Portile de Fier II hydrostation Project ERUPT 3 - the Netherlands 6.Geothermal energy use in Oradea-Area 2 and Beius District Heating Systems MoU Denmark 7.“Sawdust 2000” ProjectMoU Denmark 8.Afforestation of 7000 ha degraded agricultural soils Host Country Agreement with PCF 9.Landfill gas recovery in 6 major cities Project ERUPT 4 - the Netherlands 10 Municipal Cogeneration Targoviste ERUPT 4 – the Netherlands 11. Rehabilitation of Bucharest District Heating System** MoU Switzerland
The future
Managing AAUs Allocate AAUs to meet KP commitment (-8%) Determine reserve AAU for post 2012 evolution Use AAUs to guarantee ERUs generated before 2008 in JI projects Develop green investment schemes Sell AAUs directly to support local pollution abatement initiatives
The ERUs “economic cycle” Identification - Data base of ERU generating projects: ready for technology and local partners Production - Support fund for projects financial schemes (Green Investment Scheme: WB, JBIC, bilateral): cover overall project risk Certification - Operational projects: ERU certified for transfer in JI or ET mechanisms, also approved for AAU guarantee. Selling - Emission credits exchange: allows ERU trade by local and international companies for ERUs not under JI transfers. Checking - Monitoring of projects ERU generation
The ERUs institutional framework National strategy on climate change for Kyoto Protocol/EU Directive on ET implementation Inventory and reporting (national communication) Register National Allocation Plan EU emissions trading scheme setting up and implementation Agency dedicated to managing the process
Proposals for Joint Implementation Projects in Romania Increase of energy efficiency in main economic sectors or activities Rehabilitation of the district heating systems Construction (or rehabilitation) of co-generation installations (combined production of thermal and electric energy) Recuperation of GHGs coming from urban waste landfills Fuel switching in energy productive installations Construction (or rehabilitation) of energy production installations which create clean energy (especially hydroelectric, geothermal, wind, solar, biogas or biomass) Minimization of GHGs emissions coming from agriculture or cattle breading activities Afforestation and/or reforestation of land