CATphysics meeting, 14/11/2008D. Froidevaux Introduction and news + New fellows since end of September: W. Fedorko (ADT), M. Jimenez (ADE), D. Kollar (ADP),


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Presentation transcript:

CATphysics meeting, 14/11/2008D. Froidevaux Introduction and news + New fellows since end of September: W. Fedorko (ADT), M. Jimenez (ADE), D. Kollar (ADP), J. Lundberg (ADT), K. Tackmann (ADP), and T. Sumida (ADE) … Invited guests: C. Henderson and K. Vervink + Next meeting will be exceptionally on Wednesday 17 th of December from 11h to 13h with drink and snacks afterwards + Analysis model issues + Progress in physics studies? Yes with real influx and motivation from “new” fellows! We still have some time but we must get ready because we were not ready in September!

CATphysics meeting, 14/11/2008D. Froidevaux Analysis model issues + Short document by Sven and Stathes attached to agenda --> please read and comment to the PAT hypernews! + Issues are several: + need a recommendation for D3PDs? + need to minimise frameworks (four of five on the market now) + re-reconstruction, re-calibration, re-vertexing, re-b-tagging, etc should be run in Athena + achieve the above by unifying and certifying tools (most prominent examples are truth classification, isolation, overlap removal, etc) + tools are not enough (EventView and new TopReconstruction show that some EDM also needed) + stay tuned in to PAT meetings if you have an opinion!

CATphysics meeting, 14/11/2008D. Froidevaux Topics in direct photons Background estimates  Conversion rates and other observables (p/E, multiple conversions) as a tool for photon versus  0 /jet separation (Mayuko,Thomas, Kerstin)  Calo lateral shower shapes as a statistical tool (Marcos)  Presampler energy  Isolation Efficiency estimates  Radiative Z decays  Trigger efficiency Photon identification cut  isEM improvements (Valeria)  Loose definition for filtering purposes (Marco) Interact also with  -jet calibration Isolation definition  Calorimeter vs tracker isolation MC samples  Fake backgrounds (rate, shapes, different event generators)  Signal: single photons, di-photons Low energy  0 reconstruction (Junji, help from CAT calo reco experts)  Calibration check a la CMS? Coupled to material mapping studies?

CATphysics meeting, 14/11/2008D. Froidevaux Topics in direct photons Use only unconverted   ATLAS ~ 25%? ~ 8 GeV but which trigger? CMS Working on  0 reco in min. bias events is as important initially for EM calo as working on low-p T tracks for inner detector

CATphysics meeting, 14/11/2008D. Froidevaux Topics in SUSY Finish work on data-driven background estimates (improvement is substantial on CSC work). Further work is of great interest to several persons in the group to assess independently the different background sources (tt, Wto l + jets, Z to +jets, etc) Work on understanding E T miss with early data, building on work done by David:  Minimum bias and pile-up, including cleaning up instrumental tails in early data  Dijet events  Events with true E T miss such as W to l