The Future of the Catalog Shelley Hostetler Product Manager, Voyager Endeavor Information Systems
Whats the Challenge? Competing with Internet Users need best information Not willing to work
How Do We Meet the Challenge? Provide end users with access to qualified information, without mediation.
Some of Our Competitors Google Yahoo! Amazon
Apply the Models That Work Easy to search Easy to navigate results Enriched content Personable
Easy to Search Let the search engine remove the burden. Simple search interface User-friendly language Always return results
Easy To Search Should we force the user to begin with a search? Directory Utilize existing headings structure Deliver a set of results
Easy to Navigate Results Avoid zero results by increasing precision and recall. Adaptive spell checking Browse from results A result vs. a result set –More like this
Enriched Content Descriptions of physical items are not enough. Reviews –Published and local Cover art Sample pages User lists
The Catalog You Know End users should feel at home in the catalog. Account management Alerts Recommendations Lists
The Catalog of the Future Is a vital part of a larger solution.
Access to All of Your Resources End users require access to the widest range of resources. Federated searching –XML gateways –Z39.50 –http Linking –Full text –Extended services Courseware Integration
Open Systems We have to be prepared to handle records that are non-Marc.
Web Services Incorporate your library data into your organization. Billing Patron Information Bibliographic information
Catalogs Dont Just Serve Users The catalog is implemented and maintained by library staff. Cost effective Customizable Maintainable
Future of the Catalog Easy to use A place for finding Engaging to patrons Open to possibilities