The Rise of industry Chapter 5 Section 1
The united states industrializes A. The Industrial Revolution Factory Workers Mines and Factories Gross National Product * Total value of all goods and services a country produces. GNP from 1865 - 1914
Natural resources American West Transcontinental Railroad Types of resources Self Sustainable Transcontinental Railroad Westward Eastward C. New Resources Fuel Edwin Drake 25 Barrels per day to nearly 16,000 barrels
A large workforce Population of the United States – 1860 to 1910 Industry Consumer Goods Family Size Immigration Better Life Escape Oppressive Governments Escape Religious persecution Number of immigrants from 1870 to 1910
New inventions Transportation Communication Inventions/Industry = Wealth/Jobs See timeline on page 184-185
Bell and the telephone Alexander Graham Bell Sound via an electrical current Vary the intensity 1877 – Bell Telephone Company Became American Telephone and Telegraph Company
Edison, Westinghouse, and electricity Thomas Alva Edison Improved telegraph Menlo Park – Research Laboratory Wizard of Menlo Park Patented an invention every month Owned more than 1,000 patents by his death 1877 – Phonograph 1879 – Electric generator and the light bulb Battery, Dictaphone, Motion Pictures 1889 – Edison General Electric (GE) supplied power to NY City
Edison, Westinghouse, and electricity George Westinghouse Air-Brake System for railroads. All cars’ brakes were applied at the same time rapid and smooth braking. Allowed railroads to travel safely at high speeds. Alternating Current (AC) Distribute electricity using transformers and generators 1894 – Westinghouse Electric Company lit Chicago’s Columbia Exhibition. First to use Hydroelectric power at Niagara Falls. Generated electricity for streetcars and lights in Buffalo, NY which was 22 miles away.
Technology ‘s impact Thaddeus Lowe Gustavus Swift Ice Machine In 1870 he hired an engineer to develop a refrigerated railroad car. “Swift” Meatpacking Fresh Food Reduced Food Poisoning
Technology ‘s impact Clothing Industry D. Cyrus Field Northrop automatic loom Bobbins were changed automatically Standard sizes of clothes Power driven sewing machines and cloth cutters drove tailors out of business Machines also changed how shoes were manufactured. D. Cyrus Field 1866 laid a telegraph cable across the Atlantic Instant communication between Europe and the USA.
Free Enterprise Laissez-faire French phrase – “Let people do as they choose” Belief that the government should not interfere in the economy. Except to protect private property rights and maintain peace. Laissez-Faire relies on supply and demand to regulate wages and prices. Free market with competition between companies. Supported low taxes and limited government debt.