MANITOBA CEEN 590 Energy Policy
YES TO OIL PIPELINES REASONS They will bring economic benefits and create new jobs. e.g. the Energy East Pipeline Project will add $1767M to Manitoba’s GDP growth and $306M to tax revenue, and create 538 full time jobs/y under development phase and 194 full time jobs/y under operation phase (TransCanada, 2015). They pose fewer risks for workers and less spills compared to transporting oil by rail or truck (Fraser Institute, 2013). They will require significantly les energy to operate than operating trucks and rails and will have a much lower carbon footprint (CEPA, 2015). CONDITIONS Complete environmental assessment under National Energy Board Apply advanced underground and land oil spill response, prevention and recovery systems Receive a fair share of the fiscal and economic benefits of proposed pipeline projects Receive compensation for spills from pipeline companies and oil suppliers Increase the taxation on the pipeline and use that money to subsidize the natural gas imports, effectively making them cheaper Address the rights of First Nations
CLIMATE POLICY TRANSPORTATION AND AGRICULTURE ARE THE TWO LARGEST GHG EMITTERS IN THE PROVINCE Transportation Implement carbon tax on fuels, with a revenue neutral model like BC. Potentially expand carbon tax to more industries Implement provincial standards for regulating vehicle fuel efficiency (like Quebec and Ontario) Agriculture Create a mandatory agriculture strategy to reduce use of certain fertilizers and restrict intensification of current farmland
RENEWABLES Continue to develop 1000MWs of wind power as economically viable. In total, 1000MWs is expected to generate $2 billion in new investment and $400 million in lifetime revenues to rural communities. More than 500 new construction jobs will be created in these rural areas. WIND ENERGY EARTH ENERGY (GEOTHERMAL POWER) The province and Manitoba Hydro will continue to work with the building and geothermal industries to help increase geothermal uptake in Manitoba with refundable tax credit to help offset the upfront investment of geothermal (Green Energy Equipment Tax Credit). The On-Meter financing tool will also provide Manitoba’s home and building owners who lack access to natural gas heating with a new tool to overcome the upfront cost barrier. ENERGY EFFICIENCY Improve Manitoba’s transmission system reliability, increase export capabilities to the US and other provinces, and enhance the development of new hydro and wind energy by constructing a new Bipole 3 line. WATER ENERGY Build new hydro to meet the rising demand of electricity and to decrease dependency on fossil fuel imports during droughts.
RESOURCES HYDROELECTRICTIC Installed hydroelectric generating capacity of 5,400 MW, with an additional 5,000 MW in potential capacity that can be developed. Manitoba Hydro is in different stages of development for some of their major new generation projects that are to be implemented over the next 10 to 15 years that will capture as much as 2,300 MW of this additional capacity. Manitoba has two potential areas for oil and gas production, southwest Manitoba and the Hudson Bay lowlands. Current production is located in southwest Manitoba, where there are over 4,700 production capable wells PETROLEUM Source: Manitoba Municipal Government (2012)