Extended Services and all that February
Every Child Matters “ Safeguarding a child is best achieved by responding to need at the earliest stage. The best protection is often secured by providing the appropriate help in the most appropriate way at the most opportune time” Lord Laming Proposals Build services around families Intervene early Improve accountability Reform workforce
Family life is changing
Timelines Children Act Ten Year Childcare Strategy Information sharing protocol agreed Children’s centre programme begins 2006 Children and Young People’s Plans Safeguarding Children Board Director of Children’s Services + New Directorate 8 children’s centres 2008 Wraparound affordable childcare in at least half of all primary schools One third of all secondary schools open 8am-6pm, all year round and offering activities Lead professionals in place Common assessment framework 23 children’s centres 2010 Wraparound affordable childcare available for all parents of primary aged children All secondary schools open 8am-6pm, all year round and offering activities All 3-4 year olds receiving 15 hours of free early years education, 38 weeks of the year Children’s centres for all communities 2005 Change 4 Children programme Planning Lead member for Children’s Services Extended schools clusters First annual performance assessment
Making sense of chaos
Every child and young person thrives and reaches their potential Be healthy Improve emotional health and well-being Stay Safe Enhance personal safety Co-ordination services for CYP disabilities Enjoy and achieve Improve attainment of the most vulnerable groups Expand and co-ordinate support for young families Make a positive contribution Reducing levels of offending Achieve economic well-being Improve choices for year olds Give children and Increase impact Improve access Better support Maximise young people a voice resources Vision Aims Outcome Priorities Change Objectives Children and Young People’s Plan Improve outcomes for all Reduce the gap between outcomes Reshape services
Extended Services - dream or nightmare? Hotel Happy Valley School
The core offer Community access A varied menu of activities Parenting supportSwift and easy referral to specialised support services including family learningincluding adult learning Quality childcare All year round 8am-6pm on site or through local providers including study support Core offer Community access
What are we doing already? 80 schools in pilot clusters 48% of primaries already meet childcare offer 35% of secondaries offer parenting support 45 schools are accessing support services through Child Action project 48% of all schools meet healthy schools standards c70% of all schools offer range of activities
How do we take forward? Work with schools in clusters Practical support and development: –Business advice –Training and support with assessment –Developing services across local areas –Start up funding –Link to other changes in CYP services Action for Children and Young People Programme
Resources LA ‘start up’ funding Schools Standards Grant Existing services Parents!
Children’s Centres Full Offer Integrated childcare and early learning for 0 – 5 year olds Heath services, family support Specialist support for children with additional needs Outreach workers, Activity to help parents into work Universal Offer Information for parents about childcare and children’s services Support for childcare providers including childminders Activities for children paid for by parents Other services including midwifery and health visitor, speech and language therapy. 30% most disadvantaged areas 30% most advantaged areas centres centres centres
Common themes Competing priorities Partnership and capacity Governance Sustainability
Questions Are these priorities right? Primary schools Parenting support Area focus