The GEO Biodiversity Observation Network National Aeronautics and Space Administration The GEO Biodiversity Observation Network International Workshop for Networking Biodiversity Observation Activities in Asia Pacific Region Nagoya Hosted by Japan Ministry of Environment Photos: Wikimedia and NASA/JPL. Beetle slides from Wikimedia. International Workshop for Networking Biodiversity Observation Activities in Asia Pacific Region 21-22 July 2009 Gary GELLER Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology (c) 2009 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged. 1
Overview GEO and GEOSS GEO BON Implementation Challenges Next Steps Sagra buqueti edof
Group on Earth Observations Response to 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development Global collaboration needed Enhance interoperability Voluntary partnership 79 governments + EC 56 participating organizations Response to 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg) Recognized that global collaboration needed to exploit potential of Earth observations Enhance ability of existing observing systems to interoperate Chiasognathus granti 3
} GEOSS GEO BON Global Earth Observing System of Systems Disasters Health Energy Climate Water Weather Agriculture Ecosystems Biodiversity } 9 SBAs GEO BON is the major task in the Biodiversity SBA. GEO BON 4
What is GEO BON? Global network, and collaboration Interoperating biodiversity observation systems Collect, manage, analyze, share data on status of the world’s biodiversity Scholes et al., Science 321: 22 August 2008 5
Some components of a BON Collection Storage & distribution Tools Partnerships Many observations… but not fully utilized This is a problem…and one we hope a collaboration of Observation Networks can help solve Tools…for finding, extracting, combining, operating on, and visualizing observations and derivatives Partnerships…for coordination and sharing of observations and experience Other components exist, eg management and planning, product generation, analysis and utilization Oxynodera moczarski
Collecting observations Many gaps Spatial Temporal Taxonomic Topical Uneven coverage Lack of integration of the data collection activities Topical, such as ecosystem functioning, or services Oxynodera distincta Lack of coordination
Storage and distribution Many systems Many observations Dispersed, unconnected Little coordination Sharing is difficult Many observations, and also derived products Lack of interoperability due to many independent systems Doryphora undata Lack of system interoperability
Tools for working with data Lack the full set of tools Important capabilities missing Capabilities not integrated System-specific Data utilization too difficult Missing: eg, easily visualize time series Not integrated: eg, different tools for different capabilities System specific: user must learn many tools; tools can’t be shared; reinvention and wasted effort Pseudomesomphalia illustris Lack the full set of tools 9
GEO BON Collaboration Coordination Network of BONS Partnerships ^With more collaboration we can build a network of BONS: GEO BON Network of BONS GEO BON
GEO BON: A network of BONs Data collection coordination Global sampling framework Ecosystems, species, genes, ecosystem services System interoperability Guidelines and coordination New and coordinated tools Extraction, synthesis, & visualization Stronger partnerships Community-led activities GEO BON is a collaboration rather than an entity in itself
Focal areas Quantifying and mapping drivers of biodiversity change Recording impacts of biodiversity change Especially vital ecosystem services Reporting biodiversity status and its changes Leptinotarsa flavitarsus
Focal areas Ecosystems Species Genes Ecosystem services Prosicela vittata
GEO BON Community Network In-situ Remote Observations Observational Ecosystems Species Genes Ecosystem services Observational Needs Coordination & facilitation Data Extraction & Visualization Tools Observation Products Maps Status indicators Change metrics … End Users
History 2003: GEO forms 2006-2007: GEO BON established Concept Document drafted April 2008: stakeholder meeting Blessed basic concept October 2008: Implementation Overview November 2008: GEO V Plenary These were critical. Much thought, debate, work of many people went into developing and revising the Concept Document. Potsdam was attended by >100 people, representing various components of the biodiversity community of practice 15
Target users Governments and agencies Parties to international conventions Conservation organizations Decision makers Researchers Public CBD IPBES (Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) Megistomela punctatissima
What value will GEO BON add? Global framework for detecting change Coordinated observations Improved information delivery New assessment and forecast products, e.g. Global maps of ecosystem services Predicted areas of rapid degradation End-end continuity Not a complete list. Gymnopleurus nitens
End-end continuity To knowledge and decision making From raw physical data To electronic data To data processing To information generation 18
Implementation approach Incremental Opportunistic Collaborative Starting point: Topical Working Groups Doryphora pastica
Topical working groups Map concepts to activities Find regional and thematic partners Together, create an implementation plan Alurnus ornatus
Topical working groups Ecosystem change Terrestrial Marine Freshwater Species change Genetic change Ecosystem services change In-situ / remote sensing integration Data integration and interoperability 21
Implementation Topical Working groups Concept Document Implementation Concepts Concept Document Activities Implementation GEO BON would not implement the concepts/activities—that is done by the component BONs and partners. GEO BON is a consortium of those partners, a way to enhance coordination. GEO BON is really just a Community of Practice. Regional / thematic BONs and partners Concepts Regional and local implementation 22
Callopistus castelnaudi Thematic partners ILTER GBIF UNEP-WCMC Space agencies National wildlife / park agencies NGOs … ILTER—ecological datasets GBIF—Observations WCMC—PA and other info Space agencies--images Callopistus castelnaudi
Possible regional partners EBONE Asia-Pacific BON JBON (research oriented) UK BON? Southern Africa BON? ? These are arising spontaneously Alurnus bipunctatus
Challenges Making independently developed systems work together Ensuring appropriate incentives for partners Filling in observation gaps Integrating in-situ and remote sensing obs Funding and resources Technical: what data standards are appropriate Non-technical: Agreeing on community standards can be difficult Incentives: Collaboration, to be successful, must benefit the collaborators…otherwise, no incentive to collaborate Homoderus mellyi
Next steps Further engage biodiversity community Facilitate regional / thematic BONs Develop implementation plans Develop funding mechanisms Doryphora 21punctata
Thank you Thoughts for an AP BON Coordinated observations Sampling framework Fill gaps Coordinated storage and distribution Interoperability of existing systems (more sharing) Coordinated tools Access to all component systems Support synthesis, visualization Key observation products Easy to understand Powerful Utilize multiple input sources Coordination: Both inside AP BON, and also outside Thank you
Website: Google “GEO BON” Thank you Near Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia Cenistra dohrni Website: Google “GEO BON”
Integration across scales In-situ observations RS observations Sparse…but finely detailed Global…but spatially coarse Cannot extract the full value from data Need to combine in-situ and RS data Provide continuous and complete datasets
Some possible steps Discuss AP BON structure Sub-regional BONs Governance Shared components Assess current state of component systems Consider setting up topical working groups Feed into GEO BON WGs Coordinate regional activities Participate in GEO BON WGs Assess GEO BON: What else does it need?
Citizen Science “Traditional” methods alone not adequate Precedents Christmas Bird Count Breeding Bird Survey Feeder Watch New efforts are needed 31
Early products Product exemplars Populations & drivers of change Protected areas tools Ecosystems change maps Marine (Census of Marine Life) Primary obstacle is funding Page 32 32