CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t HEPiX spring 2008 - Organisation Helge Meinhard / CERN-IT 05 May 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t HEPiX spring Organisation Helge Meinhard / CERN-IT 05 May 2008

Welcome A warm welcome to all of you… by CERN and by the local organisers Vlado Bahyl, Fabienne Baud-Lavigne, Kristina Günne, Yasemin Hauser, Helge Meinhard, Alan Silverman Any help you need… ask us!

General Thanks to all registrants – more than 90 Thanks to session conveners Thanks to all speakers – more than 60 contributions Total allocated time: 28 hours, 20 minutes Heavily loaded agenda… hence –All: be on time in the morning and after the breaks –Speakers: Stay within your allocated time, allowing ~5 minutes of discussion –All: Defer more questions than fit into discussion slot to offline (e.g. coffee breaks)

Speakers’ hygiene Use presentation PC whenever possible –Avoid laptops, connecting and switching back and forth takes time Make slides available at least half a day before your session –Direct upload to Indico –Mail to and/or session convener with –(Last resort:) Hand USB stick to one of local organisers

Registrants’ packs Name tag –please wear it visibly, using the neck strip if you feel like Notepad Pen CERN map Geneva map Restaurant list If paid: receipt of conference fee, tickets for conference dinner on Wednesday night Not included: brochures about CERN-IT, LCG, the Grid… help yourself at the holder next to the registration desk

Logistics (1) All sessions in Council Chamber Lunch breaks (not included in conference fee) –About 12:30 h…12:45 h each day, until 14:00 h –Restaurant 1 (self-service): Traverse the hall, turn left, down the stairs, then 180  left On your way, on the right: kiosk, stairs down to toilets –Don’t rush all at the same time after the morning sessions –Alternative: Restaurant 2, opposite the computer centre –Council chamber will be locked during lunch breaks; however CERN does not take formal responsability

Logistics (2) Coffee breaks (included in conference fee) –About 10:30 h…10.45 h each day, 15:30 h each day except Friday; duration: 30 minutes –Served just outside Council Chamber CERN is a non-smoking place! Toilets (aka restrooms aka bathrooms) –On the way to restaurant 1 –Smaller ones at the end of the corridor, to the right: gentlemen before the corner, ladies behind

Logistics (3) Wireless network –ESSID: “CERN” –1 shared network Very large downloads not appreciated… –Prior registration and approval required Ask for first name ‘hepix2008’, family name ‘org’ as CERN guarantor Power outlets: 230 V 50 Hz, Swiss connectors –2 per table –Some power splitters –At the back, 2 large strips

Dinners Conference dinner: Wednesday 19:00 h –Restaurant Vieux Bois –Shuttle buses leave CERN at 18:30 h sharp –Bring your voucher – it will be collected Other evenings –CERN: Restaurant 1 –Restaurant list in pack

Transport in Geneva Rather well developed bus and tram system –Even getting better – tram being built between downtown Geneva and CERN –4 years of roadwork, we have just 1.5 years behind us Usual distances (CERN to downtown Geneva, CERN to airport etc. – not CERN to local France!) require a ‘Tout Genève’ ticket at 3.00 CHF Get ticket before you get on the bus/tram –Ticket machines at every bus stop –No change given; if you overpay, keep tickets – at three or four places in Geneva you can be re-imbursed Alternative to coins: multi-trip cards available at 20 CHF, 30 CHF and 50 CHF –Value is higher, e.g. 55 CHF for a card that costs 50 CHF –On sale at kiosk downstairs

Visit programme Fri pm Sorry, no experiments – tunnel closed as of May 1 st … Both visits go to France… LHC control centre: passport required –Prevessin site –Control of all accelerators and facility infrastructure –Shuttle bus for 30 people has been organised –Guide: Django Manglunki Computer centre: passport not compulsory –Meyrin site, –10 minutes’ walk (perhaps nice view to Montblanc!) –Maximum 36 people –Guides: Tony Cass, Bernd Panzer Lists at registration desk: Please confirm or correct your reservations Other things to visit: Microcosm (own initiative, over lunch?)

CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t