Integrating the Curriculum Theme Teaching Play Authentic Assessments
Benefits of Theme Teaching Helps children develop concepts Addresses individual needs Helps them become mentally absorbed Promotes group cohesiveness Accommodates children’s changing interests Motivates children & Teachers
Students of Theme Teaching Learn in-depth factual information Become physically involved with learning Learn process skills Learn “how to learn” Integrates learning in a holistic way
Problems with Theme Teaching Poor implementation Developmentally inappropriate Too narrow a topic/no meaning Value content over process Limited factual information that children are learning Limited skills taught
Creating Thematic Units: Resources & Criteria Children’s Interests Special Events Unexpected Happenings Program Mandated Content Teacher/ Parent Interests Relevant & Meaningful Hands-on Activities Diversity Balance across curriculum Plentiful resources Project potential
Getting Started Select book/author Search references Brainstorm ideas Work on web Assign at least 2 activities to each domain Vary instruction Commit ideas to paper Minimum of 2 theme based activities/day One literacy/day Consider classroom management Detail your activities Plan learning centers
Five day Teaching Unit Unit Summary & Goals Integrative Activities –Title, curricular area, objective, skills & concepts taught, methods of instruction (strategies), assessment of activity Learning Centers Materials Unit Plan for Assessment Bibliography Appendix for patterns, songs, etc.
Implementing Themes- p. 521 Group Work: Go over steps of implementing themes - come up with 3 ideas to help you with your unit.
Discussion Questions for YOU! Must every activity relate to a theme? How long does a typical unit last? What is the difference between theme planning for 3 & 4 years olds and 6-8 year olds? How do I fit in Theme Teaching with so much required content to cover?
MORE Discussion Aren’t themes too time consuming for teachers to prepare? Can I change my mind about my unit topic? Why repeat a theme? What about themes revolving around the holidays? How do I individual instruction in themes?