BAB General Membership Meeting August 3, 2015
President’s Report Beth O’Donnell Welcome! Welcome! Intro of officers Intro of officers
1st Vice President’s Report We still need one!!!! March Madness Party Proposed dates: 3/26, 19, 4/1
2 nd Vice President’s Report Chip Bell
Secretary’s Report Mary Grace Dimitrijevs
BEE Athletic Boosters Meeting June 1, 2015 Attendees: Beth O’Donnell, Julie Seballos, Cindy Klaus, Dan Kalinsky, Jennifer Starinsky, Chip Bell, Ron Ring, Karen Graham, Mark Wirkus, Dave Zelis, Catherine Wurts, JoAnn Farwell. President, Beth O’Donnell called the meeting to order at 7:00. President, Beth O’Donnell: Presented 2 thank you notes from our 2 BAB athletic recipients. It was decided that we do not need monthly meetings from August through June. October and January will be eliminated. Banners will be ordered for the high school and middle school advertising the Boosters. First Vice President, Ron Ring: We are still in search of a First Vice President, Concession Purchaser and Event Coordinator. Second Vice President, Chip Bell: Nothing to report. Secretary, Mary Grace Dimitrijevs: (Not present) Dave Zellis made a motion to approve the minutes. Ron Ring seconded the motion. A voice vote was held. The motion carried.
Treasurer, JoAnn Farwell: We have $41,200 in equity. There was very little activity this month. Jennifer Starinsky suggested we call Mrs. Jonozzo to pay for the scholarships we awarded on a timely basis. Jennifer Starinsky made a motion to approve the May financials. Ron Ring seconded the motion. A voice vote was held. The motion carried. Membership, Julie Seballos: We had 1 new membership this month. We should start sending out membership reminders starting in July. We need to make sure the membership form is updated. Team Reports, Jennifer Starinsky: We sold 10 out of 36 scoreboard advertising slots to the core group of sponsors we sold to last year. We can expect about $3,000-$3,500 profit. Boys’ tennis went 11-6 with 5-2 in the conference. They took 3 rd place in the SWC. This was a turnaround from last year. Boys’ LAX varsity finished 8-11 and JV They are only losing 4 seniors. Girls’ LAX finished in the regular season. Boy’s baseball won the SWC. They advanced to the 3 rd playoff game. Freshmen baseball had a good season.
High School Athletic Director, Dan Kalinsky: Girls’ track won the SWC. 3 ladies are going to the State track meet. Girls’ softball won SWC. MS track won the SWC and went undefeated. Applicants are being interviewed for the Athletic Director position. They are being narrowed down and should be finished next week. The turf project starts on June 5 and should be ready the first week of July. Many thanks to all the parents for all their involvement in athletics. Allocation Requests: None. Old Business: Purchasing picnic tables out of the memorial funds is still being looked into. Global Industries was suggested. A concession safe is also being looked into. Advertise the golf outing. It is up on the website. We earned $1,800 for our Easter Seals clothing fundraiser. New Business: Thanks to all the leaving executive members for a great job. Ron Ring for his fabulous hard work on the March Madness fundraiser. Janice Morgan for a great job with concessions. Jennifer Starinsky for her continuous support with all her knowledge thru all her held positions. Dan Kalinsky for 27 years at our school district with lots of challenges and job responsibilities. Great job to everyone. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE AUGUST 3, AT 7:00 AT THE PAVILLION. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00.
BEE Athletic Boosters Executive Meeting June 1, 2015 Attendees: Beth O’Donnell, Julie Seballos, Dan Kalinsky, Jennifer Starinsky, Chip Bell, Ron Ring, JoAnn Farwell. President, Beth O’Donnell called the meeting to order at 8:28. Items discussed Possible summer projects include: asphalt at stadium walkway, press box chairs, fencing. A concession safe purchase was discussed with details. Jennifer Starinsky made a motion to purchase a safe up to $600. Ron Ring seconded the motion. A voice vote was held. The motion carried. Approx. $900 remains in the permanent improvement fund from last year. Jennifer Starinsky made a motion to use the funds for the picnic tables in the pavilion. Ron Ring seconded the motion. A voice vote was held. The motion carried. The Boosters athletic scholarships should be further considered due to lack of participants. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE AUGUST 3, AT 7:00 AT THE PAVILLION. The meeting was adjourned at 8:52.
Treasurer’s Report JoAnne Farwell
Membership Report Julie Seballos
Ordinary Income/Expense: July/August Income 50/50 Raffle Income3, Annual Party Income20, Concessions Income35, Golf Outing Income18, Membership Income29, Miscellaneous2, Scoreboard Advertising Income2, Total Income112, Gross Profit112, Expense Advertising and Promotion Allocation Request Expense42, Annual Party Expense6, Championship Tshirts1, Concessions Expense16, Golf Outing Expense8, Membership Expense Miscellaneous Expense Scholarships 4, Trophies, letters & pins2, Total Expense83, Net Ordinary Income29, Net Income 29,523.77
Jul 31, 15 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Checking Account44, Total Checking/Savings44, Total Current Assets44, TOTAL ASSETS44, LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Long Term Liabilities Permanent Improvement Fund Permanent Improvements-Mem of2, Tennis1, Total Long Term Liabilities5, Total Liabilities5, Equity Opening Balance Equity80, Unrestricted Net Assets-70, Net Income29, Total Equity39, TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY44,859.38
Team Report/Concessions Cindy Klaus
Athletic Department Report High School Mark Maslonam
Athletic Department Report Middle School Andy Fisher
Allocation Requests:
Approved by Executive Board at the June Meeting Safe for concession stand $ Safe for concession stand $ Picnic tables: $3, ( a portion was paid for by Dave Fulton Memorial Fund) Picnic tables: $3, ( a portion was paid for by Dave Fulton Memorial Fund) Allocation Requests
Banners for HS/MSBanners for HS/MS Picnic tables/safePicnic tables/safe Golf Outing: August 28,Golf Outing: August 28, 8:30 shotgun8:30 shotgun Need sponsors and golfers!!!Need sponsors and golfers!!! BAB Old Business
Looking into credit card reader for eventsLooking into credit card reader for events BAB New Business
Thank You’s Julie Seballos for getting membership rolling, ordering/researching picnic tables and safe Chip for blasts over the summer Golf Outing Committee Alicia for stepping up to concessions and Exec Board!!!
The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness. Dalai Lama
BAB Next Meeting Monday, September 14 7:00 p.m. Media Room
Thank You for Attending Your Bees Athletic Boosters Meeting!