The Data Utilisation challenge GEO-2 meeting Data Utilisation Subgroup Baveno, Italy 29 November 2003 Part 1 presented by Pierre Dubreuil - Canada Part 2 presented by Dominique Marbouty - ECMWF Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 2 Work and consultation so far … 26 September: GEO-CC/1 (teleconference, SG Co-Chairs) 7 October: SGDU-CC/1 (teleconference, SGDU Co-Chairs); 14 October: SGDU-CC/2 (teleconference, SGDU Co-Chairs); 16 October: GEO-CC/2 (teleconference, all SG Co-Chairs) 27 October: SGDU-All/1 (teleconference, SGDU Full Subgroup) 29 October: GEO-CC/3 (teleconference, all SG Co-Chairs) 30 October: SGDU-CC/3 (teleconference, SGDU Co-Chairs) 12 November: GEO-CC/4 (teleconference, all SG Co-Chairs) 28 November: SGDU-All/2 (meeting in person, SGDU Full Subgroup) Teleconferences and meeting
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 3 Work and consultation so far … Terms of Reference finalised Decision Memorandum, working practice agreed upon; chair and secretariat rotation between the co-chairs. Immediate Tasks and Work Schedule agreed upon. Draft framework of SGDU report presented by P. Dubreuil (Canada) Draft Annex on Potential GEO Information Products for improved capability to cope with Natural hazards and Environment threats presented by A. Hollingsworth (ECMWF) Draft document finalised and sent to SG co-chairs and SGDU members for comments. Structure of draft framework of SGDU report reviewed and commented. The need to address some overlaps between subgroups was noted. Draft framework of SGDU finalised and distributed. Milestones
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 4 Chapters of the Data Utilisation report SCOPE CURRENT STATUS ISSUES AND CHALLENGES DATA UTILISATION STRATEGIES
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 5 Policy aspects Data access, sharing, costing International cooperation Technical aspects Standards, codes Metadata, data continuity QC, feedback to data providers
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 6 The scope of our activities (1/2) Data measurement D.U. assumes this is covered elsewhere. Data quality Data and metadata exchange Telecommunication infrastructures D.U. assumes this is covered by the architecture subgroup Standards and procedures Data transformation into usable information
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 7 The scope of our activities (2/2) Application of data and information Generally handled by national or local authorities. This seems beyond the scope of GEO. Archiving and data continuity Shared with other subgroups. Information exchange Factors hampering optimal sharing of information will be addressed The scope of the exchange Data requiring international exchange or collaboration are within GEO scope (e.g. data about whale migrations are within scope but local deer population displacements are not)
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 8 Data transformation into usable information Measured data are often too voluminous for users to handle The measured variable is normally not the required parameter Raw measurements frequently of little direct use; complex processing required Need to combine measured parameters to other data sources Frequent need to evaluate future states of the earth environment
The Data Utilisation challenge GEO-2 meeting Data Utilisation Subgroup Baveno, Italy 29 November 2003 Part 1 presented by Pierre Dubreuil - Canada Part 2 presented by Dominique Marbouty - ECMWF Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 10 The data to information process Processing: Modelling Data assimilation Data In situ, Satellite Radiances, Pressure … Information Tropical cyclone track forecast, Rainfall, CO 2 sources and sinks …
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 11 How long does it take to develop this process? In the last 10 years meteorology has developed an efficient data utilisation Benefit of the use of satellite data is shown by the difference between the scores of the northern and southern hemisphere (few in situ data, use of satellite over ocean) AIRSATOVS ERSSSM/I TOVSVTPR Improved forecasts IASI
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 12 Structural features which allowed efficient data utilisation in meteorology Nationally-funded activity (aviation, defence) Inter-national inter-dependence for observations and forecasts Internationally organised community (WMO): codes, telecommunications, data exchange organised, specialised centres The focus on prediction required: Earth-system models (whose complexity depends on scope, time-scales, …) Data assimilation systems
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 13 Same approach is being implemented in other disciplines Oceanography Hydrology Climate Environmental monitoring: atmospheric chemistry, biogeochemical cycles Space weather A tentative list of possible systems to be developed for improved capability to cope with natural hazards and environmental threats is provided in the annex 8 of the Draft Framework Document
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 14 Investing in the data to information process: a favourable situation A lot of effort has already been put in the development of the necessary assimilation systems (4DVar: 200 man years) The use of such systems is extending to new areas The extension from individual components (atmosphere, ocean, hydrology, chemistry, soil, …) to earth-system assimilation and modelling facility has started, in particular for seasonal forecast Implementation of a global coupled atmosphere-ocean- land monitoring system for dynamics, thermodynamics, vegetation and composition is achievable in (GMES goal)
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 15 Investing in the data to information process: an affordable objective compared with the cost of observation systems Overall cost of the various Earth-Observation space programmes: ~ 5 billions /year Overall cost of the various Earth-Observation in-situ programmes: ~ 3 billions /year Typical cost of 10 large processing facilities (development and operations): ~ 400 millions /year The ratio cost of observations / cost of information generation is ~ 20 / 1
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 16 The issue was raised at GEO-1: Last slide of Dr Ghassem Asrars presentation Turning Observations into Knowledge Products
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 17 Summary on data utilisation: (i) the considerations Systems to transform data into information require multi-year development The required investment is an order of magnitude less than the cost of observing system, but will be much less if developed from existing systems Though it is mentioned in all subgroups contributions, this aspect is not emphasised at a high level in the Draft Framework. It is absent from: the Declaration from GEO-1 (DFD para 1.2) the main goals of the GEO initiative (DFD para 1.4)
Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations 29 November 2003 GEO-2 SGDU 18 Summary on data utilisation: (ii) the recommendation The Data Utilisation Subgroup recommend that: The Data to information process developments be recognised as a major goal of the GEO initiative (Toward Comprehensive, Coordinated and Sustained Earth Observations and Information systems)
The Data Utilisation challenge GEO-2 meeting Data Utilisation Subgroup Baveno, Italy 29 November 2003 Questions Group on Earth bservations Group on Earth bservations