N ORWAY By: Kayla Lang
G EOGRAPHY What some of the important land forms and bodies of water in this country? Seas: The North Sea and the Norwegian Sea Land Forms: Forbidding Terrain, very mountainous, the fjords, and glaciers. Where in the world is this country? The North East Hemisphere, on the very end of Europe (On the west end). Map of the Country
P EOPLE What is/are the official language(s) of this country? Germanic Language- has two forms Bokmål and Nynorsk. What are the main religions in this country? Pentecostals, Roman Catholics, and various Protestant, and Islamic. What is the life expectancy (The age until which a person is expected to live.) for males and females in this country? Male: Female: What is the literacy rate (The literacy rate is the percentage of people over age 15 who can read in a certain country.) for males and females in this country? Male: 100% Female: 100%
G OVERNMENT What is the system of government (be sure to define this for us) in this country? Constitutional Monarchy- A monarchy in which the powers of the ruler are restricted to those granted under the constitution and laws of the nation. Who/What group is currently in control of this country? Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg President: Ms Tove PAULE
E CONOMY What are some of the main ways in which people in this country make a living? Agriculture- 2.9% Industry- 21.1% Services- 76% What is the per capita GDP in this country? (This is the value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year divided by the average population for the same year. Some people think of this as the average amount of $$$$ made by each person in the country in one year. The most recent per capita GDP listed for the United States is $46,900.) $59,300 (2009)
2010 O LYMPIC G AMES How many athletes (male/female) from your country are participating in this year’s Winter Olympics? 99 How many events are athletes from your country participating in during this year’s Winter Olympics? 11
M EDALS GOLD MEDALS # of gold medals: 9 in what events: Biathlon-Woman’s 15 km, Cross Country- Ladies Sprint Classic, Biathlon- Men’s 20 km, Cross- Country- Ladies 15 km pursuit, Alpine Skiing- Men’s Super- G, -Country Skiing- Men’s Team Sprint Free, Cross-Country Skiing-Ladies’ 4x5 km Relay Classic/Free, Cross-Country Skiing- Men’s 50 km Mass Start Classic, Biathlon- 4x7.5 km Relay. SILVER MEDALS # of silver medals: 8 in what events: Alpine Skiing- Men’s Downhill, Biathlon- Men’s 10 km Sprint, Biathlon-Men’s 20 km, Freestyle Skiing- Ladies Cross Finals, Alpine Skiing- Men’s Giant Slalom, Cross- Country Skiing- Men’ 4x10 km Relay Classic/Free, Curling- Men, Cross-Country Skiing- 30 km, Mass Start Classic.
M EDALS (C ONTINUED ) BRONZE MEDAL # of bronze medals: 6 in what events: Cross Country- Men’s Sprint Classic, Cross-Country- Ladies 10 km Free, Speed Skating m, Freestyle Skiing-Men’s Ski Cross Finals, Ski Jumping- Team, Alpine Skiing- Men’s Giant Slalom.
R ECORDS My country did not set any records
I NTERESTING N EWS Links- news/curling--royal-approval-for-norways-crazy- trousers_289668Si.html news/cross-country-skiing--norway-wins-womens-relay--third- gold-for-bjoergen_293070tJ.html news/cross-country-skiing--norway-hoping-pettersen-can-spark- gold_289928tw.html features/news/newsid= html features/news/newsid= html For more information go to or
B IBLIOGRAPHY Norway Flag (1 st pg)- norway-surfing.gif Map of Norway(2 nd pg) factbook/geos/no.html