The Framework Document Version 1: Guidelines for the 10-Year Implementation Plan Overview for GEO-3 February 2004 Helen M. Wood Secretariat Director
Purpose of the Framework Document Provide a high-level synopsis of the GEO effort for senior policymakers. Outline, in less than 8 pages, the agreed purpose, expected benefits, and broad framework for developing the 10-year Implementation Plan. Reflect a negotiated agreement among ministers at Earth Observation Summit II to proceed with the creation of 10-Year Implementation Plan, as outlined.
Drafting Framework Document V.1 GEO-2 clarified Framework Document concept Secretariat produced outline by 31 December Secretariat and Subgroup Co-Chairs generated two early drafts in January Working session held in Geneva on 29 January to engage extensive revisions, reflected in a 3 rd draft. Conducted final round of internal comments to produce Version 1 for GEO-3.
GEO-3 Goals for Framework Document Review and revise text of Framework Document in parallel negotiating session Approve text of GEO-proposed Framework Document for forwarding to governments for pre- Summit review.
Negotiating Session Session will be convened by South African representative, support will be provided as necessary by by representatives of the 3 other GEO-Chairs. Each member government may provide up to two delegates. Each participating organization may provide one observer. Observers may provide comment, but not negotiate text. Full text begins as bracketed text, representing non- consensus until decided otherwise. Communiqué will be considered by negotiators, following completion of the Framework Document negotiation.