European Supersites Coordination Workshop Wrapping up the Workshop: Conclusions and recommendations for the effective clustering of Supersites Efthimios Zagorianakos DG Research and Innovation, Earth Observation Sector
European Supersites Coordination Workshop The primary objective of the Workshop is to foster collaboration amongst the Supersites projects currently financed through FP7, as well as with other similar projects, with the purpose to support the development of a global network of Natural Laboratories as explained in the Supersites strategic plan. The focus will be on the volcanic and seismic aspects of EO. [1] [1] [1] [1]
European Supersites Coordination Workshop The policy objective of the Workshop relates to the contribution, towards a European research agenda in the field of Geohazards risk management and in particular in the use of Earth Observation tools for the monitoring of areas prone to natural hazards and informing decision making on preparedness and early warning. [1] [1] [1] [1]
European Supersites Coordination Workshop collaboration amongst the Supersites projects Key technologies for the monitoring of geologically active regions prone to natural hazards Data requirements for Supersites "EU Supersites: Interest for Regions and Economic Sectors "Articulating Long-Term Monitoring and Delivery of Services
European Supersites Coordination Workshop contribution, towards a European research agenda in the field of Geohazards risk management Research project clustering can lead to research policy focus Workshop Report it is up to you now to start running with the concept
European Supersites Coordination Workshop RECOMMENDATIONS... A wish to be invited in the future to a follow-up Supersites event! [1] [1] [1] [1]
Thank you for your attention! Earth Observation Sector: Gilles Ollier Jane Shiel Efthimios Zagorianakos Michael Berger Jose Miguel Rubio Iglesias Cecile Laszlo Margorzata Idzik