Nordic Innovation Centre Enhancing Nordic innovation capabilities Innovative Construction Situation
Existing activities in Innovative construction Adaptable house – model configuration. A feasibilty study, coordinated by Teknologisk Institut, Denmark, is focusing on dialog in between users and market, as well as describing the possibilities in the field of construction Partnerskab i nordisk byggeri, coordinated by Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut, Denmark, is focusing its activities to promote exchange of information between the players in Nordic countires via setting up a Nordic network Integrert energiplanlegging (IEP), coordinated by KanEnergi AS, Norway, is focusing on reaching optimal solutions in construction process taking also into account the energy aspects Badeværelser – brugerorientert forretningskoncept, coordinated by Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut, Denmark, is focusing on developing and testing a new method to build and renovate bathrooms Demand controlled ventilation systems for energy efficiency and good indoor climate, koordinerad av Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, is focusing on developing ventilationstechnology which is also environmentally friendly Ljuddesign av storrumskontor, coordinated by Saint-Gobain Ecophon AB, Sweden, is focusing to identify critical parameters concerning development of open plan office taking into account the special needs related to acoustics
Nordic think tank thinking "Establish and develop a new approach for the Nordic property and construction industry – while there are still opportunities. Go in advance of the rest of Europe in working for change that entails very profound consequences for both society and the individual.“ There is a need for paradigm shift in the field of construction. Houses are still built at the same way during last 200 years, while the business is an all the time growing market and central business sector. Space – not just houses – for humans.
Sustainable development –Business opportunities of sustainability –Commercialisation of environmentally sustainable products Role of a contractor –From builder to developer – new business possibilities Building safety - There are problems –Need to strengthen the expert networks –Linked to life cycle thinking Life cycle thinking –To develop buildings and business models focusing on life cycle value growth and life cycle cost (energy, maintenance, service, adaptability) rather than production cost –There is market demand for full service pack to improve energy efficiency - “Turning sustainability into business”. User-driven innovation –Construction in the future will to a greater extent be adapted to the individual needs, lifestyles and life phases, quality of life and value judgments of people –The challenge - consumers cannot decode their need Nordic focus 1/2
Full utilisation of ICT –Nordic strength – but underexploited –Utilising the full potential of home automation and Plug&Play components –From information management to interactive communication Combining new human needs of functions and experiences in buildings with the technical development of the product/service –Room/space becoming more and more as an interface to services –Exploitation of the new technologies – not just ICT Nanotechnology Biotechnology Sensortechnology … Nordic focus 2/2
ERABUILD Collaboration ERABUILD aims at having a major impact on creating the European Research Area (ERA) in research on sustainable development in the construction and operation of buildings. A short term goal for the project is the development of a learning network. Cooperation of national innovation and research programmes - funding construction research is mainly part of national agendas; coordination of national programmes contribute in raising the competitiveness and sustainability in one of the leading sectors of the European economy.” NICe is involved
What is going on? Project evaluation - Innovativt Byggande - ERABUILD - New projects up and running before the end of this year Next year - Nordic seminar on Innovative construction - Start of ERABUILD2 (if accepted) - Nordic focus on environment and energy questions -> Also impact to Innovative construction focus area -> Possible new Call for proposals