GEO Work Plan Symposium 2011 Days 2 & 3 DS-01 Disaster Risk Reduction and Early Warning
DS-01 Disaster Risk Reduction and Early Warning Definition Improve the use of observations and related information to inform policies, decisions and actions associated with disaster preparedness and mitigation. Ensure effective access to observations and related information to facilitate warning, response and recovery to disasters. Increase communication and coordination between national, regional and global communities in support of disaster risk reduction, including clarification of roles and responsibilities and improved resources management. Improve national responses to natural and man-made disasters through the delivery of space-based data, resulting from a strengthened International Charter on Space and Major Disasters (Disasters Strategic Target). ...
DS-01 Disaster Risk Reduction and Early Warning Definition ... Develop local, regional and global hydrological risk (e.g. floods, droughts) assessment, prediction and management systems and expand applications of integrated water resource management for sustained development (Water Strategic Target). Significantly increase the use of Earth observations by all sectors for improved prediction of potential hazards to the energy infrastructure (Energy Strategic Target).
DS-01 Disaster Risk Reduction and Early Warning 1. Disaster management systems (e.g. deliver space data to those affected by natural or man made disasters; integrate baseline geographic information, and reference maps with real-time data from satellite or in-situ platforms into online Graphical User Interface and Decision Support System tools; develop collaborative, distribute management systems to collect, store, analyze, visualize and disseminate crucial data and information for vulnerability and risk assessment) 2. Sustainable and integrated geohazards risk assessment (e.g. promote retrieval and systematic access to remote sensing & in-situ data in selected regional areas exposed to geological threats (“Supersites”); improve the global coordination of seismographic networks; support global vulnerability modelling and mapping) 3. A global flood monitoring and early warning system (e.g. integrate regional flood information in a comprehensive framework (visualization in near real time); couple hydrological and Numerical Weather Prediction models) 4. A global drought information system (e.g. integrate regional drought information (indices and impact indicators) in a comprehensive framework (composite index and maps)) 5. A global wildland fire warning system (e.g. develop improved fire-weather and fire-behavior prediction capabilities, analysis tools and response-support through satellite and in-situ sensors, vegetation models and risk-assessment models) 6. A global tsunami early warning system (e.g. develop mechanisms for real-time data sharing including seismic and sea-level (deep ocean and tide-gauge data) broadcasting systems and emergency plans). To be implemented in connection with DS-04 (Ocean Monitoring)
Comments on Task Title, Definition, and Deliverables Reminder: Strategic Target: Enable the global coordination of observing and information systems to support all phases of the risk management cycle associated with hazards (mitigation and preparedness, early warning, response, and recovery). - Strategic Target addresses the full risk management cycle. - Extent of disasters are often determined by our preparedness or the lack of it; - The importance of risk management is not sufficiently reflected in the proposed task description. - "Early warning" is a national responsibility; it is better to speak of "early information." - Disaster response is national responsibility; this needs to be clear in title and task definition. - ...
Comments on Task Title, Definition, and Deliverables - ... - Risk mapping is hampered in many areas due to data gaps; horizontal issues need to be addressed. - In many geographical areas, capacity building is the key to disaster reduction; regional approaches are needed that build capacity. - Multi-hazards approach is widely accepted and required, but the task (particularly the deliverables) breaks it down to individual hazards. - End-to-end solutions are needed. - The charter is not the door to response. - Deliverables focus mostly on warning, some on response, very few on informing the risk management prior to the occurrence of a specific hazard. - Avoid duplication (e.g., tsunami early warning system). - The Geohazards Community of Practice (GHCP) Road Map is fully focused on the full risk management cycle and the need for capacity building.
Recommendation/Conclusion of Discussion: Comments on Task Title, Definition, and Deliverables Recommendation/Conclusion of Discussion: Edit title and task definition and redefine/restructure deliverables to: - reflect multi-hazards approach; - address full risk management cycle; - emphasize end-to-end solutions.
DS-01 Informing Risk Management and Disaster Reduction Definition Enable the global coordination of observing and information systems to support all phases of the risk management cycle associated with hazards (mitigation and preparedness, early warning, response, and recovery. Improve the availability and use of observations and related information to inform risk management policies, decisions and actions at local, national, and regional levels and to facilitate mitigation, warning, response and recovery to disasters. Increase communication and coordination between national, regional and global communities in support of a multi-hazards, end-to-end approach encompassing the full risk management cycle. Support the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for action, particularly in relation to capacity building and technical support.
Deliverables Four groups: 1. Perform a gap analysis (data, systems gaps, capacity gaps) 2. Provide support to operational systems 3. Enable and inform risk and vulnerability analysis (research and operations) 4. Conduct regional end-to-end pilots with a focus on building institutional relationships
2009-2011 sub-task re-organization: Not discussed in detail; however, most sub-tasks would correspond to one deliverable (details to be defined). Related 2009-2011 Work Plan implementation progress: Not discussed. Inclusion of new proposals: Four new proposals, which would fit in one of the proposed four groups. Estimation of resources available: Not discussed. Issues, gaps, and possible measures: - Deliverables for gap analysis need discussion; - Capacity-building will need considerable resources and consideration; - Lack of data sharing in many areas is an obstacles to be addressed.