iCON project WP No. 4 Vzpostavljanje podjetniških povezav (network/clusters/platforms) Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze
iCON WP4 Vzpostavljanje podjetniških povezav Namen WP – Motivirati in osvestiti podjetja o priložnostih za povezovanje v čezmejnem prostoru – Identificirati panoge s potencialom za čezmejno povezovanje – Vzpostaviti in podpreti čezmejno povezovanje podjetji Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze
iCON WP4 Vzpostavljanje podjetniških povezav Leader + co-leader – RA ROD izkušnje s čezmejnim sodelovanjem in povezovanjem podjetij – EINE preko udeleženih podjetij v industrijskih conah Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze
iCON WP4 Vzpostavljanje podjetniških povezav Izvedba aktivnosti – Ugotovitve potencialov za povezovanje – Proučitev potreb in dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na stopnjo sodelovanja med podjetji – Strategija dviga inovativnosti – Vključevanje obstoječih povezav v projektne aktivnosti Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze
iCON WP4 Vzpostavljanje podjetniških povezav Pričakovani rezultati (povzetek): – Identificiranih 15 področij s potencialom za sodelovanje – Identificirani dejavniki, ki spodbujajo sodelovanje – Vzpostavljenih 10 povezav – Širitev povezav Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze
iCON WP4 Vzpostavljanje podjetniških povezav Prispevek vsakega partnerja – Ena oseba se usposobi za podporo povezavam – Sodelovanje pri identifikaciji potencialov za povezovanje – Ena organizacija delavnice – Podpora eni mreži/grozdu/platformi – Informacije, podatki, kontakti Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze
Why to network? 1/3 Improve strategic decision-making by increasing the exchange of strategic information Stimulate creativity and innovation using contacts Strategic supply chain management to improve reliability, delivery times and quality Improve co-ordination between the region’s actors to compete with potential rivals Create capacity to anticipate customer needs Negotiate prices with common suppliers Jointly organize logistics Jointly organize commercial activities Jointly organize a foreign representation Jointly organize outsourcing in lower wage countries Sharing orders with competitors if the production capacity is not sufficient 7
Why to network? 1/3 Improve strategic decision-making by increasing the exchange of strategic information Stimulate creativity and innovation using contacts Strategic supply chain management to improve reliability, delivery times and quality Improve co-ordination between the region’s actors to compete with potential rivals Create capacity to anticipate customer needs Negotiate prices with common suppliers Jointly organize logistics Jointly organize commercial activities Jointly organize a foreign representation Jointly organize outsourcing in lower wage countries Sharing orders with competitors if the production capacity is not sufficient 8
Why to network? 1/3 Improve strategic decision-making by increasing the exchange of strategic information Stimulate creativity and innovation using contacts Strategic supply chain management to improve reliability, delivery times and quality Improve co-ordination between the region’s actors to compete with potential rivals Create capacity to anticipate customer needs Negotiate prices with common suppliers Jointly organize logistics Jointly organize commercial activities Jointly organize a foreign representation Jointly organize outsourcing in lower wage countries Sharing orders with competitors if the production capacity is not sufficient 9
Why to network? 1/3 Improve strategic decision-making by increasing the exchange of strategic information Stimulate creativity and innovation using contacts Strategic supply chain management to improve reliability, delivery times and quality Improve co-ordination between the region’s actors to compete with potential rivals Create capacity to anticipate customer needs Negotiate prices with common suppliers Jointly organize logistics Jointly organize commercial activities Jointly organize a foreign representation Jointly organize outsourcing in lower wage countries Sharing orders with competitors if the production capacity is not sufficient 10
Why to network? 2/3 Sharing orders with competitors if the production capacity is not sufficient Jointly become a strategic partner for local authorities in order to improve transport, scientific, technological and information infrastructure and business climate in general Organize or lobby for vocational or executive training programs Create positive image for attracting subcontractors or suppliers Create positive image and other conditions for attracting more qualified staff Share information about staffing needs to strengthen the match between supply and demand Share resources to become more familiar with labor market and use it more effectively Create a pool of specialized staff Use positive image of region in marketing strategy Harmonize production quality standards in order to become a joint sub- contractor for a large client 11
Why to network? 2/3 Sharing orders with competitors if the production capacity is not sufficient Jointly become a strategic partner for local authorities in order to improve transport, scientific, technological and information infrastructure and business climate in general Organize or lobby for vocational or executive training programs Create positive image for attracting subcontractors or suppliers Create positive image and other conditions for attracting more qualified staff Share information about staffing needs to strengthen the match between supply and demand Share resources to become more familiar with labor market and use it more effectively Create a pool of specialized staff Use positive image of region in marketing strategy Harmonize production quality standards in order to become a joint sub- contractor for a large client 12
Why to network? 2/3 Sharing orders with competitors if the production capacity is not sufficient Jointly become a strategic partner for local authorities in order to improve transport, scientific, technological and information infrastructure and business climate in general Organize or lobby for vocational or executive training programs Create positive image for attracting subcontractors or suppliers Create positive image and other conditions for attracting more qualified staff Share information about staffing needs to strengthen the match between supply and demand Share resources to become more familiar with labor market and use it more effectively Create a pool of specialized staff Use positive image of region in marketing strategy Harmonize production quality standards in order to become a joint sub- contractor for a large client 13
Why to network? 3/3 Jointly prepare for EU environmental requirements Collect centrally relevant information about machinery, suppliers, trade fairs, social events, etc. Share or collect together information about sources of financing and rules on how to use them Exchange information on clients that do not pay and shop around Equalize fluctuations in working capital Facilitate interaction between researchers (local / in Italy) and enterprises Attend seminars and technology fairs as a network Invest jointly in a new pilot production facility for testing purposes Set up jointly a R&D unit or a laboratory Develop the availability of labor force in R&D and design Strengthen technology in the core business Improve technology management Jointly protect technology / regional brands 14
Why to network? 3/3 Jointly prepare for EU environmental requirements Collect centrally relevant information about machinery, suppliers, trade fairs, social events, etc. Share or collect together information about sources of financing and rules on how to use them Exchange information on clients that do not pay and shop around Equalize fluctuations in working capital Facilitate interaction between researchers (local / in Italy) and enterprises Attend seminars and technology fairs as a network Invest jointly in a new pilot production facility for testing purposes Set up jointly a R&D unit or a laboratory Develop the availability of labor force in R&D and design Strengthen technology in the core business Improve technology management Jointly protect technology / regional brands 15
Why to network? 3/3 Jointly prepare for EU environmental requirements Collect centrally relevant information about machinery, suppliers, trade fairs, social events, etc. Share or collect together information about sources of financing and rules on how to use them Exchange information on clients that do not pay and shop around Equalize fluctuations in working capital Facilitate interaction between researchers (local / in Italy) and enterprises Attend seminars and technology fairs as a network Invest jointly in a new pilot production facility for testing purposes Set up jointly a R&D unit or a laboratory Develop the availability of labor force in R&D and design Strengthen technology in the core business Improve technology management Jointly protect technology / regional brands 16
iCON project iCON WP4 Vzpostavljanje podjetniških povezav Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze