BUILDING BOCKS INITIATIVE A program for infants from birth to 12 months Zena Tarasena (Director) 213 East Ave, San Bruno CA Phone: (415) Website: California Community Care Licensing #
Our Program Serves 11 infants from birth to 12 months Monday – Friday 7:30am – 12:00pm Play based, Pickler inspired program Inclusion –premature infants & infants at high risk for autism Ratios – 1:3
Licencing State of California Department of Human Services Titles 5 & 22, Division 12 Local Community Care Licensing Division Accredited through the NAEYC
We Are Unique Dr. Emmi Pikler inspired program inspired program (Pikler & Pap 2006). Strong emphasis on motor development and stress reduction Creating optimal complexity of movements Muscles strength enhances cognition
Motor Research Research is focusing on early identification of a typical motor behavior. Postural control differs between typical and Atypical development Postural control is the basis for development Early identification and intervention (Dusing, et al. 2013).
Philosophy We believe that early motor development is the basis for all developmental domains and fully aim to support each infant. We believe in developing strong attachments with young children through positive interaction to increase pro-social behavior and foster self-esteem. All infants deserves the freedom to explore in a safe, nurturing, and developmentally appropriate setting.
Daily Schedule 07:30–08:30Arrival/welcome – free play 08:30-09:00Free play – indoors or outdoors 09:00-09:30Small group activities – motor dev. 09:30-09:45Transition – diapering/ wash hands 09:45-10:15Snack 10:15-10:45Free play – indoors or outdoors 10:45-11:15Small group activities – motor dev. 11:15-11:30Transition – diapering/ wash hands 11:30-12:00Lunch 12:00-01:00Free play and pickup/goodbye
Infant Room
Outside Plan
Curriculum Develop strong attachments. Respond to ALL children’s attempts to communicate. Read, sing songs, do finger plays, and/or chant nursery rhymes. Take turns making sounds with infants. Massage and rocking. Free movement mat time and tummy time Encourage infants to reach Sensory stimulation
Staff Qualifications Director – BA in Child and adolescent development Assistant Teacher – Associates in Early Childhood Education Teachers Aide – 12 units in Early Child Development All Staff – criminal background clearance All staff – First Aid and Pediatric CPR Certified and Mandated Reporters Flexibility to build and maintain a cohesive working team
Health and Safety Policy Building Blocks maintains a clean and sanitized environment. Environment and equipment safety checks made daily. Infant health monitored daily. Health records must comply with state and local requirements. Immunization records must be up to date. Sick children may not attend until symptom free for 24 hours. Each child must have a medical release form on file. Each child must to be signed in and out in the presence of a staff member. Disaster plan is posted on site and training implemented.
Nutrition Nutrition is vital for a child’s mental functioning and physical well-being. We provide organic, and low sodium breakfast, snack and lunch. We are a NO NUT program Teachers will participate in family style meal times. Teachers will encourage new foods, & self-feeding. Teacher will not eat foods that are not served to children. Follow the USDA’s child nutrition guidelines
Parent Participation Parents and families are valuable resources and collaborators. Communication – , phone, newsletter, drop off and pick up. Open door policy. We offer parenting workshops and motor development training Parents will participate in a quarterly program clean-up and repair events. A bi-annual program evaluation will be completed by parents and translated versions will be available in other languages.
Budget Total Start-Up Expenses$110, Requested SBA$ 50, (Small Business Administration Loan) Total Monthly Income$ 16, Total Monthly Expenses $ 12, Total Annual Revenue$ 41, Total Monthly Revenue$ 3, Pay Off SBA $3,450 x 15 mo. = $ 51, Pay Off Start-Up $3,450 x 33mo. $ 113,850.00
Holidays Closed for all major holidays. Closed for Spring Break. Closed for Thanks Giving Closed last week of December and first week of January.
References Dusing, S., Thacker, L., Stergiou, N., & Galloway, J., (2013). Early complexity supports development of motor behaviors in the first months of life. Developmental Psychology, 55(4), Kallo, E & Balog, G, The Origins of Free Play. Trans. M. Holm. Budapest: Pikler-Loczy Tarsasag. Pikler, E & Pap, K Unfolding of Infants’ Gross Motor Development. Los Angeles, CA: Resources for Infant Educators (RIE).