DRUGS A drug is any substance other than food that causes physiological changes in the body
Some facts We've already spent over $600 million to eradicate drugs at their source in Colombia and what's happened? A recent study of U.S. antidrug policy indicates that cocaine and heroin production in Colombia have more than doubled 80% of the cocaine 75 % of the heroin
The $400 million cost of the helicopters alone would provide treatment for 200,00 Americans addicted to drugs. Over the last 10 years, the federal government has spent $150 billion to combat the supply of illegal drugs, yet the cocaine market is as glutted as ever.
Contradictions Amphetamines are given to military pilots but are illegal for truck drivers Tobacco kills 430,000 people a year, alcohol between 100,000 and 150,000 all other drugs combined kill Cancer patients and people with terminal illnesses are denied strong pain medications because the doctor does not want to be sued if they become addicted
Addiction or addictive behavior is a habit that has gotten out of control that results in a negative effect upon one’s health. reinforcement- reinforces pleasurable feelings or alleviates pain or unpleasant ones compulsion or craving- compelling need to engage in behavior loss of control- cannot block the impulse to engage in behavior escalation- often more and more of the substance is needed to produce required effects negative consequences- behavior has serious negative consequences job, relationships health, legal and financial
Drug definitions Psychoactive – alters user’s moods, feelings, perceptions or behavior Medicines – restore function, prevent illness, diagnosis Other – legal substances such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and OTC drugs like aspirin
Fig. 14.1: Routes of administration of drugs ©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license.
Drug Dependence- defined as a blend of three or more symptoms over a 12-month period Developing tolerance to the substance Withdrawal symptoms result when concentrations drop in the body Symptoms can be physical and/or cognitive. Different drugs have different symptoms Taking the substance in larger amounts or over a longer period than was originally intended often with prescription drugs
Drug abuse recurrent drug use that results in a failure to fulfill major responsibilities at work, school or home situations in which are physically hazardous legal problems personal and social problems caused or increased due to the use of the drug
Why do people use drugs? Experimentation Physical risk factors Psychological risk factors Social risk factors
Classes of drugs
CNS Stimulants cocaine, amphetamine, nicotine, ephedrine, and caffeine speed up the activity of the nervous system: heart rate accelerates, blood pressure rises, gastric and adrenal secretions increase, muscular tension and motor activity increase. wakefulness is common.
CAFFEINE Caffeine per 12 oz cans (mgs): Mountain Dew/55.0 Diet Mountain Dew/55.0 Coca-Cola/45.6 Diet-Cola/45.6 7 Up/0 Chocolate 28 gram Cadbury chocolate bar contains about 15 mgs of caffeine Caffeine amounts per 7 oz cups of coffee and tea: Espresso/100 Brewed coffee/ Instant/ Decaf, brewed/3 - 4 Decaf, instant /2 - 3 Tea iced/70 Tea brewed/ Tea instant/30
Amphetamines synthetic chemicals that are potent stimulants and mood elevators. Methamphetamine, amphetamine, dextrophetamine Medical use is for the treatment of ADHD and obesity, narcolepsy Popular names for these drugs include “speed,” “crank,” “crystal,” and “meth.” and “Ice”
©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license. Cocaine
CNS Depressants reduce anxiety and cause mood changes impaired muscular coordination Cause drowsiness. Mental functioning is also affected. sedatives, include barbituates, alcohol, tranquilizers and club drugs like GHB, ( liquid X) roofies (Rohypnol), ketamine- Special K. CNS depressants are used to treat insomnia and anxiety disorders and to control seizures.
Hallucinogens are drugs that alter the user’s perception, feelings, and thoughts. LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), mescaline, psilocybin, STP (dimethoxymethyl amphetamine), DMT (dimethyltryptamine), MDMA (3, 4- methylene-dioxymethamphetamine), ketamine, and PCP (phenylcyclidine).
©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license. Marijuana THC- tetrahydracannibinol
Narcotics natural or synthetic drugs designed to relieve pain, cause drowsiness, and induce euphoria. opium, morphine, heroin, methadone, codeine, meperidine, and fentanyl.
Inhalants Inhaling certain chemicals can produce effects ranging from heightened pleasure to delirium. The three major groups of inhalants are volatile solvents, nitrites, and anesthetics.
Getting help Alcoholics Anonymous Cocaine Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous Drug treatment Inpatient Outpatient