GEO Call for Proposals on Earth Observations in Decision Support Projects
GEO Call for Proposals Key aims of the CFP are to support end users in developing countries committed to applying Earth observations and to demonstrate the benefits of Earth observation applications to end users in these countries. The CFP focuses on projects in the following GEO Societal Benefit Areas: Agriculture Health Energy Water
GEO CFP Released: February 13, 2009 Brief Concept Proposals Due: June 15, 2009 Full Proposals Due: May 15, 2010 Selections Announced: October 1, 2010 Proposals Funded: 1 CFP Schedule
Water: 39 Agriculture: 18 Energy: 2 Health: 12 Accepted Proposals
Progress Preparations are being made to hire a donor coordinator to match proposals with potential funding organizations and help broker connections. Information sheets have been created for each proposal as part of a dossier that can be presented to funding organizations. A GEO CFP website has being created to provide links to the selected proposals.
Progress One proposal has been funded* One funding organization has indicated they intend to fund a proposal Searchable web page with proposal summaries and password protected proposals:
The Way Forward Need to increase the pace of speaking with funding organizations to solicit support for projects. Conduct special sessions at selected fora (e.g., GEO/EGIDA) to educate the broader GEO community (and potential funding organizations) about this CFP.
© GEO Secretariat CB Tasks - Questions for Discussion 1 – Will the task go on to Work Plan? yes 2 – Which Tasks (ID) and / or Components (c) will the task contribute to? ID-05 3 – What resources are available from this task for Implementation? 4 – What is needed for the Work Plan? –More help required –More awareness –More support from GEO / GEOSec? 5 – Do we anticipate something from the task to demonstrate at Plenary in November 2011? 6 – Actions needed from today to November (Plenary)? 7 – Other considerations?