GROWING UP Grew up in Bonham, Texas. (About an hour Northeast of CHHS) High school activities: working hard to get good grades, hanging out with friends, playing tennis and basketball, and playing percussion in the band.
COLLEGE University of Texas at Tyler in Tyler, Texas Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, Minor in Spanish Activities: working hard to get good grades, hanging with my roommates, playing tennis on the Club team. (This is where I met my husband!)
Taught algebra2, precal, and pap precal at Nimitz High School in Irving for a year and half. (resigned to move to be with husband after we got married.) Taught here at CHHS since November of last year (pap algebra 1 and pap precal) WORK EXPERIENCE
MY FAMILY I have great parents and a very cool older brother. I married my Husband, Sam, in January of Sam was in the Army for almost 4 years as an infantry paratrooper in the 82 nd Airborne Division in Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. He just got out and is going back to college starting this fall. Sam and I have three pets: a one and a half year old puppy named Stella, a two year old cat named Nelson, and a 6 month old puppy named Murphy