GEO Work Plan Symposium 2011 Day 3 DS-11 Global Forest Observation
GEO Support for Countries Choice of Monitoring and Reporting against the different IPCC Lands and Emissions methods Land Representation –Approach 1: areas of different land use at different times (blind to land substitution and transition) –Approach 2: a land conversion matrix by area to identify land substitution, but not spatially explicit –Approach 3: spatially explicit (wall-to-wall time-series monitoring of land use change) Emissions –Tier 1: emissions factors using global defaults –Tier 2: emissions factors using local defaults –Tier 3: emissions estimated by direct measurement or model GEO FCT Support
Coverage 2010 Current NDs
Ultimate Goal to produce a time-series product (from various sources of satellite data, if necessary) Systematic Satellite Data Acquisitions Optical SAR ….. …. … … … … … … Common Processing Forest Conversion Forest Inventory or Carbon Model Accounting Rules and International Reporting Time series consistency Is critical Verification
HiRes Data & Products E.g. Orthorectified RGBs for manual validation Forest cover products for early detection of change (e.g. logging roads)
DS-11 Global Forest Observation Definition Increase the use of Earth observing capabilities and supporting applications systems to produce timely, objective, reliable, and transparent forest statistics and information at the national and regional level. Improve collaboration and coordination on the use and applications of Earth observations for forestry (Agriculture Target)
Deliverables 1. Sustained availability of satellite and ground observations in support of national forest information systems Priority Actions: –Coordinate and provide regular and routine observations that are essential for effective reporting; –Develop methods and protocols for data collection, processing and integration; –Promote coordinated research and development needed for continuous improvement; develop forest carbon tracking methods) –Definition of CEOS data strategy in support of FCT and GFOI (CEOS SIT) –Data pre-processing and delivery –Role of commercial data –Mechanism to ensure access to in situ data Leads: CEOS Member Agencies, in situ responsibility of Nations
Deliverables 2.Support for countries in the use of observations in national forest information systems – respecting national choices of data and tools Priority Actions: –Develop consistent and comparable methods for individually developed and comparable national systems –Help governments develop national forest information systems) –National Demonstrators –Capacity building: workshops, hands-on training Leads: Norway, Japan, US, EC, Australia, FAO,CEOS, GOFC….
Re-organization of Sub-tasks (i.e. which sub-tasks support the new Task) * CL-09-03b) Forest Carbon Tracking * EC-09-01e) Forest Mapping and Change Monitoring Related Tasks CL-09-03a) Integrated Global Carbon Observation (IGCO) CL-09-03c) Global Monitoring of Greenhouse Gases from Space BI-07-01a) GEO Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON)
Inclusion of New Proposals Global Forest Observation Initiative (GFOI) (Australia, Brazil, China, Norway, Tanzania, USA, ESA/CEOS, GOFC-GOLD, FAO, World Bank)
Resources Available for Implementation (current status and in planning) There are significant monetary and in kind contributions Australia, Norway, CEOS, Japan, US, FAO et al. However, there needs to be a programmed budget in order to become operational
Issues and Gaps Data access, distribution, continuity, cost In situ data acquisition, information systems and data sharing Data Integration: in situ, aerial and satellite; optical, radar and lidar Database management Accurately estimating forest cover, volume, biomass, and carbon stocks and flows Long-term operations in developing countries Accuracy and precision requirements against costs and benefits Accuracy assessments and requirements for verification Ability to keep up on the processing-side with the volume of data being collected and distributed
Possible Measures to fill Gaps Continue to work with CEOS on long-term acquisition strategy …
Open for Plenary Discussion Identify Synergies Improve Cross-Fertilization Identify Measures and Actions to Fill Gaps