Taiwan By Brooke, Alex, Tim, Logan, and Dani
Geography Area: 36,189 sq. km. (13,973 sq. mi.). Cities (2007): Capital-- Taipei (pop. 2.6 million). Other cities-- (Kaohsiung 1.5 million), Taichung (1.06 million). Terrain: Two thirds of the island is largely mountainous with 100 peaks over 3,000 meters (9,843 ft.). Climate: Maritime subtropical.
People Population: 23 million. Annual growth rate: 0.36% Languages: Mandarin Chinese (official), english, Taiwanese, Hakka Education: Years compulsory- -9. Attendance (2006)--99.0%. Literacy (2006)--97.5%. Health: –Infant mortality rate: 0.46%. –Life expectancy: yrs; male yrs.; female yrs. Work force (2007): 10.7 million.
Economy Gross Domestic Product: $383 billion Real annual growth rate: 4.6 (5.7%) Unemployment Rate: 3.9% Natural resources: coal, natural gas, limestone, marble, and asbestos Agriculture: pork, rice, fruit and vegetables, sugarcane, poultry, shrimp, eel Industry: electronics and flat panel products, chemicals and petrochemicals, basic metals, machinery, textiles, transport equipment, plastics, machinery. Trade: Exports--$247 billion: electronics, optical and precision instruments, information and communications products, textile products, basic metals, plastic and rubber products. Major markets--U.S. $32 billion, P.R.C. and Hong Kong $100 billion, Japan $16 billion. Imports-- $219 billion: electronics, optical and precision instruments, information and communications products, machinery and electrical products, chemicals, basic metals, transport equipment, crude oil Major suppliers--Japan $46 billion, P.R.C. $30 billion, U.S. $27 billion.
Religion Buddhism Buddhism is the main religion in Taiwan. About 4.9 million people practice the religion. Buddhism was brought to Taiwan in the 16th century by India. The most popular type of Buddhism practiced in Taiwan today is Mahayana. While practicing the religion, people chant mantras and sutras, and practice meditation Taoism Taoism is the second largest religion in Taiwan, slightly behind Buddhism. About 4.5 million people in taiwan practice this religion. The religion started when a man named lao tzu preached his ideas of fulfillment and divinity. other religions in taiwan: Catholicism, Protestantism, Hsuan-Yuan Chiao, Islam, Li-ism, Tenrikyo, baha’I, Tienti Teachings, Tien Te chiao, I-kuan tao, and mahikarikyo