ESA programmes for exploitation of Earth Observation Pierre-Philippe Mathieu Industry Section EOP-SEI
Renewable Energy
Raw EO dataInformation & Services End-User Application Backscatter from Synthetic Aperture Radar Wind rose retrieved through numerical model of boundary layer Integration with ancillary data Sources into user software Wind farm management
Marine offshore renewable Wind Energy Wave Energy Courtesy ARGOSSCourtesy NERSCC Portugal (Ocean Power Delivery)Denmark (Horns Rev)
EOWIND stand at the European Wind Energy Conference in London, essential meeting point for the Wind energy industry Raising awareness of users
Early Warning Exploiting Solar Radiation Happy Sun MobileManaging PV plants Happy Sun mobile service, FLYBY (It), VODAFONE (It) DLR (De), Uni Oldenburg (De), Tecsol (De) Ground irradianceUV index
EO supporting hydropower Optimizing Hydropower Production River Network (ENVISAT/RA) Snow Cover Extent (ENVISAT/MERIS) Digital Elevation Model Land Cover (ENISAT/SAR) Weather Condition (MSG)
Runoff Forecast Quality - Schlegeis
Oil & Gas
Effective Seismic Surveys EO for optimal planning of seismic surveys Explore in remote areas INFOTERRA (Uk), WESTERN GECO (UK) Satellite images are being used to pre- plan the optimum positions of geophones as well as vibrator trucks in order to obtain the best possible information on subsurface characteristics
Monitoring land motion Oil field & MiningPipeline corridor AMEC (Int), ATLANTIS (Ca), Mining (RIO TINTO, TECKCOMINCO, KINGROSS) AMEC (Int), ATLANTIS (Ca), TERRASEN GAS (Ca)
Offshore Oil exploitation Offshore oil explorationOcean weather forecasting Joint venture between ARGOSS (Nl), NERSC (No), FUGRO GEOS (Uk) to create a company
Iceberg monitoring Manice format Iceberg detection / driftInternational Ice Patrol
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