Chapter 10 Substance Abuse Tolerance: increasing dose day by day to have the needed effect of substance. Withdrawal symptoms: If addict stops taking substance (usually within few hrs.) temporarily, withdrawal sx will appear (psycho-somatic sx) which are very painful sx. -In Nicotine withdrawal sx it is mostly psychological sx as anxiety & irritability. 1
1) Cannabis الحشيش -Marijuana ( البانجو ) is one type of it. -Happy sx of taking Cannabis start after few min. if taken by smoking, & after 1/2 hr. if taken by mouth -Its effect (if taken by mouth) continues 5-12 hrs. -If big amount taken by mouth, respiratory center may stop & death will result during sleeping. -Wrongly cannabis is known as sex stimulus (longer sexual activity) which is not proved scientifically. 2
Sx of cannabis Abuse: -Feeling of well being. -Talkative with feeling of euphoria when talking. -Light head. -Hyperactivity. -Difficulty in orientation (esp. time). -If abuser moves up few steps in stair, will imagine that he is over biggest pyramid. -By increasing dose, hallucination will result. 3
Long-term using effect: -Respiratory diseases especially Bronchitis. -Cancer of lung. -Cardio-vascular diseases. N.B: Appetite to sweets will increase -Has negative effect on behavior & ethical manner as laughing in sad situation. 4
2) Opiates ( الأفيون ) -Morphine, Heroin, Codeine, Pethedin, Crack. -Used in medical field as pain killer, cough relief. -If taken for few months, withdrawal sx will appear (anxiety, irritability). -Each time amount will be increased. -Withdrawal sx will appear after 3 hrs. of taking previous dose (Withdrawal sx will reach its peak in 1-2 days). -Usually it is white. -Used by IV, smoking or sniffing. -Heroin leads to mush happiness for abuser. -Abuser health: poor r/s. -Suffering of chronic constipation. 5
Withdrawal sx: 1-Increase urge to get substance, anxiety. 2- Condition like flue (Rhinitis), much sweating, lacrimation. 3-Pain in joints & muscle. 4-Vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, appetite. 5-Difficulty in breathing. 6
Cocaine: -Cocaine is made from the leaves of the coca plant, which grows mainly in South America. -Stimulant drug. -White powder used by sniffing, or IV. -Addict may experience grandiosity (exaggerated belief in importance & abilities). This can lead addict to take risks, particularly when driving, leading to accidents. -Usually feeling of anxiety will accompany cocaine use. -Effect of cocaine is very short. -Addict of cocaine may become criminal. -Withdrawal sx of cocaine less severity than opiates. 7
Complication of cocaine addiction: -Sleep disturbance. -Decrease appetite, decrease wt. -Skin itching. -Depression. -Criminal behavior. -Impotence. 8
Crack: -Crack is the street name for crystallized freebase cocaine. -It is most commonly smoked, which, due to lungs’ rapid absorption rate, means that more of drug gets into body faster than through injection or inhaling. -When smoked, it takes about 20 seconds or less for feelings of euphoria & pleasure to start, but along with this quick high comes the downside: the happy feelings fade just a few minutes later & resulting low can be dramatically dismal. 9
-Crack’s main course of action is to alter & work on autonomic nervous system of human body. -In normal functions, brain secretes dopamine, a chemical that, when bound to nerve cells in brain, produces feelings of pleasure in body. -Dopamine production normally occurs naturally, but crack speeds up this natural system by causing brain to release all of stored dopamine in one quick burst. -This produces feelings of intense pleasure & euphoria, but when settle down, & no dopamine left, this state means downswing of emotions & intense desire to get more crack at any cost. 10
Rx of addiction (dependence): Criteria (factors) help in Rx: 1-Short period b/w starting of taking substance & Rx. 2-Availability of intention of pt. to be treated. 3-Age of pt.'s. 4-Level of education. 4-Type of substance. 5-Acceptance of pt. to follow up Rx at home. 11
Stages of Rx: 1-Detoxification: l-2wks (weaning) should be in specialized hospital. 2-Rehabilitation: Trial to solve problem with cooperation of family, Reinforcement of positive behavior. 3-Follow up: Very important stage, could be more important than Rx itself. -If pt. is relapsed condition worse. **In some countries they use methadone with small doses. It is not Rx of addiction, but it is substitution by another type with less withdrawal sx. 12
Alcoholism -Effects if Alcohol : Alcohol is CNS depressant LevelEffect on the brain 0.05%Poor judgment 0.1%Clumsy motor actions slurred speech 0.2%Depressed motor area of brain, emotional lability 0.3%Confusion, stupor 0.4% Coma 0.5% Breathing & heart rate centers are affected, Death due to respiratory paralysis 13
-With chronic use: Alcoholic dementia -Social relation inhibition, marital problems, occupational problems, violence, legal problems increased accidents. -Medical problems. -Liver cirrhosis, fatty infiltration. -Gastritis, gastric ulcers. -Vitamin deficiency, especially Thiamin. -Peripheral neuropathy. 14
Epidemiology: -In many countries, alcohol is widely used & abused. -Some people take alcohol occasionally for social reasons or to relieve tension. -Prevalent in early years age group. -Onset is in early 20s. -Sx of alcoholism start to appear in 30’s. -Alcoholism can coexist with other psychiatric disorders like: Depression, bipolar, anxiety, & personality disorders. 15
Etiology: -Alcoholism is not single disorder, it can have many causes. -Some alcoholics start to drink in an attempt to treat psychiatric problems: anxiety, depression, mania, etc. or physical disorder: pain. -Some people develop alcoholism & become dependent. -The short-term sedative effect of drinking alcohol is replaced by long term dysphoric mood & withdrawal sx which push alcoholic to drink more. 16
1.Biological Theory: -Some studies found genetic factor behind alcoholism. -In one study it was found that 25% of fathers of alcoholic pts. were alcoholic. -Concordance of alcoholism in monozygotic twins is twice as dizygotic twins. 17
2. Psychoanalytic theory : -Individuals who abuse alcohol (or other substances) have undeveloped egos r/s, failure in completing tasks of separation-individuation. -Person retains highly dependent mature, with characteristics of poor impulse control, low frustration tolerance & low self-esteem. -Superego is weak, resulting in absence of guilt feelings for their behavior. 18
3. Learning theory: Release of anxiety becomes reinforcement for further drinking as it results in temporary reduction of fear & conflict. 19
Clinical Picture : Alcoholic intoxication -Maladaptive behavior: sexual & aggressive behavior, labile impaired judgment, impaired social or occupation functions. -Somatic sx: slurred speech, in-coordination, unsteady gait, nystagmus, flushed face. c) Hematomas & contusions due to falls, hypothermia in cold weather. d) Other sx like liver cirrhosis, peripheral neuropathy & cerebral ataxia. 20
Alcohol withdrawal: -Syndrome observed after cessation or reduction of alcohol intake after prolonged period of use. Sx: -Nausea & vomiting. -Malaise of weakness, headache, insomnia. -Autonomic hyperactivity. - Anxiety, irritability or depression. - Seizures, especially if past hx of epilepsy. - Hallucinations or illusions. 21
1) Delirium Tremens: -Occur in 5% of hospitalized alcoholics within 1 week after cessation or reduction of alcohol intake. -Withdrawal sx progress to state of delirium. -Essential features are: -Delirium: Clouding of consciousness disorientation, hallucination visual or tactile. -Autonomic hyperactivity: Tachycardia, sweating, hypertension. -Fluctuating level of psychomotor activity: Pt. is sometimes hyperexcitable & sometimes lethargic. Rx: -Benzodiazepines 25 to 50 mg, chlordiazepoxide (librium) 2-4 hrs., adequate nutrition & hydration. 22
2) Alcoholic hallucinosis: -In some pts. visual or auditory hallucinations occur within 48 hrs. after cessation of alcohol with no sx of delirium & continue after recovering from withdrawal sx. -Course is short, hallucinations disappear within several weeks or few months. Rx: -Like delirium, Benodiazepines, nutrition & adequate hydration. -If case is prolonged, anti-psychotics may be used. 23
3) Alcohol Amnestic Disorder Encephalopathy: A) Wernick’s Encephalopathy: -Acute reversible neurological syndrome that results from prolonged heavy drinking of alcohol. -Etiology is due to Thiamin deficiency malnutrition that accompanies is predisposing factor. -Essential factors are: -Ataxia. -Opthalmoplegia: (cranial nerve paralysis). -Nystagmus. -Confusion. -Spontaneous recovery within few days or weeks. -It can progress to Alcohol Amnestic Disorder. 24
RX: -High doses of parenteral Thiamin & response is rapid. -If Rx delayed, irreversible damage occurs & respond to Rx. B)Alcohol Amnestic Disorder (Korsakoff’s Syndrome): -Chronic irreversible disorder resulting from heavy alcohol intake. -Irreversible impairment of memory occurs. Etiology: is also due to Thiamin deficiency. -Course is short & recovery occurs in only 20% of cases. 25
4) Alcoholic Dementia: -Dementia that persists for longer than 3 weeks after cessation of alcohol intake. -Usually occurs in heavy drinkers above 35 y/o who have been drinking for long period. Essential features: -Impairment of intellectual abilities. -Memory impairment. -Social & occupational impairment. -Condition is chronic & irreversible. -Rx is supportive. 26
Rx of Alcohol Dependence: I. Psychotherapy: -To explore the desire of alcoholic to be intoxicated (drinking is treated as a psychological defense). -Anxiety producing factors are discussed. -There should be supportive & active periods of depression are treated by psychotherapy & anti- depressants Behavioral Therapy: -Teaching alcoholic other ways to relieve anxiety like relaxation training & assertiveness skills. -Positive reinforcement is used to reinforce abstinence. 27
II. Medications: Disulfiram: (Antabuse): is drug used to produce undesirable side effects if alcohol is taken. -Given in dose of 25 only after last drink. -If pt. drinks alcohol while on disulfuram, he experiences nausea, palpitation, dizziness, hypotension, numbness in extremities. -These effect are toxic reactions due to accumulation of acetaldehyde in blood. Psychotropic medication: Anti-depressants or anxiolotics to treat depression, anxiety or irritability that may occur during abstinence. 28
III. Support Groups: -Some alcoholics who have bean treated form support groups to help other alcoholics. -These are voluntary organizations that may help pt. during his Rx. Ex: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). 29