Key Messages Confirmation of all the key themes in previous summary Transitional support for those with extra needs Confusion over health in college/ 6 th form Confidentiality/cultural issues – religious groups Name change to ‘Young Health Assistants’- branding ‘4yp’ Valued as very important Key Messages Confirmation of all the key themes in previous summary Transitional support for those with extra needs Confusion over health in college/ 6 th form Confidentiality/cultural issues – religious groups Name change to ‘Young Health Assistants’- branding ‘4yp’ Valued as very important Experiences of specific groups -School nursing in special schools…. communication with parents is very important but also support workers. Some YP need their support worker in appointments with them Where are college nurses? need better links with the continence service Importance of integrated working with other services. Don’t advertise a slot to see a nurse this is too open and embarrassing, Experiences of specific groups -School nursing in special schools…. communication with parents is very important but also support workers. Some YP need their support worker in appointments with them Where are college nurses? need better links with the continence service Importance of integrated working with other services. Don’t advertise a slot to see a nurse this is too open and embarrassing, Outcomes for young people A school nurse should support me with ANYTHING I want a school nurse to be a first point of access I want to feel understood and in control. knowing what happens next. You should know that you can come back if you want to and the school nurse should explicitly say that you can come back. I should be offered choice- with appointments I want to be made to feel human, not like you’re different. Feel like you were able to show your emotions and that was ok. I want to be signposted I want my teacher and nurse to communicate to Outcomes for young people A school nurse should support me with ANYTHING I want a school nurse to be a first point of access I want to feel understood and in control. knowing what happens next. You should know that you can come back if you want to and the school nurse should explicitly say that you can come back. I should be offered choice- with appointments I want to be made to feel human, not like you’re different. Feel like you were able to show your emotions and that was ok. I want to be signposted I want my teacher and nurse to communicate to Experiences of religious groups Nurses need to be culturally aware. Issues on FGM Needs to be a option for a male nurse and anonymous service for boys Clear on what they will tell parents e.g. contraception. This is a big barrier Need in school appointments for more private reason but school don’t see this as authorised leave Experiences of religious groups Nurses need to be culturally aware. Issues on FGM Needs to be a option for a male nurse and anonymous service for boys Clear on what they will tell parents e.g. contraception. This is a big barrier Need in school appointments for more private reason but school don’t see this as authorised leave The health service need to understand…. Young people are concerned about school nurses sharing information with teachers (barriers to access). The health service need to understand…. Young people are concerned about school nurses sharing information with teachers (barriers to access). What is missing…. Gaps in accessing school nurse in colleges and 6 th forms. Who supports you here? What is missing…. Gaps in accessing school nurse in colleges and 6 th forms. Who supports you here? Vision for the future…. Information about the school nurse – introduction in assemblies There should be a set room that the school nurse uses and the door should always be open. contact with the school nurse More information on how confidentiality Texting option Sexual health support More nurses and more access Vision for the future…. Information about the school nurse – introduction in assemblies There should be a set room that the school nurse uses and the door should always be open. contact with the school nurse More information on how confidentiality Texting option Sexual health support More nurses and more access School Nursing (students)
Key Messages Issues of referral- young people stuck in the ‘gap’ Better partnership working with OTR- bridge the gap cut out the GP Treat the cause not the symptom Prevention Key Messages Issues of referral- young people stuck in the ‘gap’ Better partnership working with OTR- bridge the gap cut out the GP Treat the cause not the symptom Prevention What else could improve…. More means of communication such as a text line/phone and . More therapy choice other then CBT Staff need training on non-MH issues e.g young carers What else could improve…. More means of communication such as a text line/phone and . More therapy choice other then CBT Staff need training on non-MH issues e.g young carers Outcomes for YP Personal characteristics of professionals I should feel less apprehensive I should be listened to and guided I should be heard and understood Like you have choice and options Care tailored to you Not patronised In control and know what’s going on Educated Hopeful Outcomes for YP Personal characteristics of professionals I should feel less apprehensive I should be listened to and guided I should be heard and understood Like you have choice and options Care tailored to you Not patronised In control and know what’s going on Educated Hopeful Vision for the future…. Youth transitional workers- a specialist focus on the needs of young people entering community mental health services. More support around diagnostics and tests Reduced waiting times One consistent key worker No longer needed to be referred by GP 24 hour response ‘Choice appointments ’ They need to be culturally aware of stigma and issues in religious groups Vision for the future…. Youth transitional workers- a specialist focus on the needs of young people entering community mental health services. More support around diagnostics and tests Reduced waiting times One consistent key worker No longer needed to be referred by GP 24 hour response ‘Choice appointments ’ They need to be culturally aware of stigma and issues in religious groups CAHMS What CAMHS is missing…. A specific support service for those with extra needs Training for staff for those with extra needs, “they talk too fast in a language we don’t understand” What CAMHS is missing…. A specific support service for those with extra needs Training for staff for those with extra needs, “they talk too fast in a language we don’t understand” Religious groups Reaching out for this help is very difficult and frowned upon. The family expect to support you -not ‘outsiders’ who can disrupt the family. Parents are scared- they are involved in decision making Religious groups Reaching out for this help is very difficult and frowned upon. The family expect to support you -not ‘outsiders’ who can disrupt the family. Parents are scared- they are involved in decision making
Priorities for young people One key consistent worker Shorter times to access services Choice Flexibility Services need to be obvious and come to them Anonymous options Clear confidentiality Health in education and better links with schools Priorities for young people One key consistent worker Shorter times to access services Choice Flexibility Services need to be obvious and come to them Anonymous options Clear confidentiality Health in education and better links with schools Young people with reasonable adjustments Health services need to identify the needs of a young person first – then look at what services they can access Felt that the involvement document should have specific mention of support for those with additional needs Transition across all community health services need to be strong- better linking with social services. Young people with reasonable adjustments Health services need to identify the needs of a young person first – then look at what services they can access Felt that the involvement document should have specific mention of support for those with additional needs Transition across all community health services need to be strong- better linking with social services. Vision for the future…. NHS health app for young people Flexible appointments after school and weekends More ethnic mix of staff Cultural awareness training for all staff An online NHS chat service (pop up messenger) Vision for the future…. NHS health app for young people Flexible appointments after school and weekends More ethnic mix of staff Cultural awareness training for all staff An online NHS chat service (pop up messenger) Additional Outcomes for YP I want to be believed by services I want confidentiality to be clear form the very first point of access and with all other services Conversations are in a private space away from others I want to understand the role of a professional I meet and their name! I want to be cared for I should be relived from pain I should be reassured and listened to I should be advised- where next? Where in the meantime? I should be free from fear I should not be judged I should be treated with equality and friendliness Outcomes for YP extra needs “I expect health professionals to use a language I understand, to talk to ME, slowly and clearly in pure English” Religious groups Barriers to health care Limited gender of staff Not wanting to tell their business Language barriers- need a key worker Embarrassed- don’t want to show their body Religious groups Barriers to health care Limited gender of staff Not wanting to tell their business Language barriers- need a key worker Embarrassed- don’t want to show their body