1 Children’s Services Pilot Inspection Briefing session 10 January 2013
Focus Groups next week Crucial part of final phase Validation of good practice Exploration of how well we work together To improve outcomes for vulnerable children Report due to be published 25 February 2
3 Scope The pilot inspections will not evaluate the quality of individual services but focus on the effectiveness of integrated working to improve outcomes for all children and how well services are making a difference to the lives of the most vulnerable children and young people.
4 Children’s Services Inspections Led by the Care Inspectorate A new model for scrutiny and improvement of children’s services which includes: a design based on Getting it right for every child a strong user focus a joint approach consistent with the duty of cooperation within the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 risk based Care Inspectorate, Education Scotland, HMIC, HIS, young inspectors, Audit Scotland
5 Model for Scrutiny and Improvement improve outcomes for all children and young people provide independent assurance about the quality of services for children (particularly vulnerable children and young people) a coordinated approach to continued support for improvement support as well as challenge - opportunities for regular professional discussion between community planning partners & inspectors
6 Scope – ALL children with emphasis on Child Protection Children Looked After Children In Need (Young Carers, Homelessness, Domestic Violence, Substance Misuse, Disability, Parental Mental Health, Youth Offending, s.56 ref from Children’s Reporter); and Early Years
7 Timeline Preparation Phase Regulatory Inspections Briefing Community Planning partners Selection of case files Pre-Inspection Return Survey of named persons Scoping Phase Key meetings (November) Engagement with young people/carers (November) Case File Reading (December)
8 Timeline Core/Proportionate phase Jan 2013 Validation of good practice 14 January Focus Groups Report findings to Chief Officers 30 January Draft report for comment 5 February Reporting of Findings Feb 2013 Report published week of 25 February. Advance copy to Ministers 1week before
9 Self Evaluation - Position Statements Corporate parenting Participation GIRFEC Best start in life Children are safe from harm and fear of harm Children at risk or with a disability have improved life chances Outcomes are not undermined by poverty and inequality Children and young people are emotionally and physically healthy Successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens
10 We need to jointly……. evidence outcomes Demonstrate shared vision and ownership good self awareness our journey of improvement
Initial feedback (before file reading) Good partnerships Positive leadership and direction Cohesive strategy and vision eg Integrated Children’s Service Plan Commitment to early intervention and prevention Participation – no further inspection activity necessary but want to follow up eg Duke of Edinburgh and IYP projects How good is our Operational Management? No further activity necessary 11
Initial feedback Good evidence on improvement - eg fit between CSP and CPC improvement plans Regulatory inspections demonstrate generally high quality services Work to do to improve joint self-evaluation – CI to work with us GIRFEC – steady progress, more work to do. CI will observe CMRG, follow up Social Care Direct and meet with new Co-ordinators More to do to jointly plan resources effectively 12
Still to be evaluated Assessment and planning How well do we meet the needs of key stakeholders? Service delivery Evidence will come from reading records and discussions in focus groups with staff and families 13
Further inspection activity Meet with IRD review group Observe Case Management Review Group Meet Locality Managers Visit Craigroyston Total Place Additional focus group with staff responsible for reviewing practice in targeted and universal services Social Care Direct Police/school Link Officer Inspiring Edinburgh and Duke of Edinburgh candidates 14
Potential good practice examples Family Nurse Partnerships Growing Confidence Child healthy weight initiative 15
Focus Group discussion - 45 mins Introductions What is your role? For the child/family in our case - how well do we work together? What has been the impact – what are the outcomes for the child/family? What has gone well and what can we do better? 16