Lee Dunn Principal Teacher Pastoral & School Development (Alva Academy) Sandy Parker Youth Worker (Alva Academy) Tom Snow LTS Development Officer (MCMC)


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Presentation transcript:

Lee Dunn Principal Teacher Pastoral & School Development (Alva Academy) Sandy Parker Youth Worker (Alva Academy) Tom Snow LTS Development Officer (MCMC) Image courtesy of LTS Youth Work and Schools Practitioner Seminar Quality Hotel, Perth 28 th January 2008 Image courtesy of Youth-Link More Choices, More Chances Preparing for Post-School Transition

To place More Choices, More Chances within the context of Curriculum for Excellence and discuss the emerging themes leading to success for young people. To examine the relationships between school and Youth Work in a practical setting - outlining roles, activities, communication and the factors leading to effective partnership working. Workshop Aims

Workshop Outline Curriculum and Pastoral Welfare Support Youth Work Support Supporting Young People in Education More Choices, More Chances - Alva Academy Partnerships and Communication Transition Planning

Supporting Young People in Education More Choices, More Chances Alva Academy Clackmannanshire Council

“We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance’’ Harrison Ford

Image courtesy of LTSImages courtesy of A Curriculum For Excellence

It is important to ensure that children and young people are acquiring the full range of skills and abilities relevant to growing, living and working in the contemporary world. Curriculum for Excellence aims to ensure that they will enjoy greater choice and opportunity to help realise their individual talents. Text courtesy of LTS A Curriculum For Excellence

MCMC Aims (within The School) Motivate, stimulate and raise attainment Build confidence, optimism and aspiration Educate and develop ‘life skills’ through a wider range of curriculum and vocational provision Increase the number of students who arrive into a positive destination following successful transition into employment, education or training

Pupil Support Structure

Identifying The Young People SEEMIS Data Behaviour Support Agenda Pupil Support Agenda School Liaison Group Agenda (external agencies) Underachievement and lack of attainment Referral from The Police Currently placed on Staged Intervention Referral from Careers Advisor Referral from Forth Valley College Link Officer Positive Behaviour Policy (sanctions and rewards) Exclusion Rate Attendance Rate

Identifying The Young People LAAC (Looked after in Children’s Unit of Foster Care) LAC (Home Supervision Order) Social Work Free School Meals Referral System (both internal and external) Additional Support Needs Young Carer EAL (English as an Additional Language) Educational Disaffection Family Circumstances Poverty Substance Misuse and other external governing factors: (Teenage Parents; Offenders; Physical - Mental Health) School Leavers (Positive Destination Requirement)

Pupil Centred – Team Approach

Curriculum and Pastoral Welfare Support

Why is the Young Person not engaging / motivated? What are the barriers? What supports / interventions are required? Who can help? What will it take? Image courtesy of comicbookresources.com The First Steps

Working with The Young Person The First Meeting Building a RapportBuilding Trust Appropriate Action A Balancing ActBe Prepared Transition Arrangements

Positive Interventions Support them (monitoring and tracking) Make home visits Reduce / consolidate timetable Refer to the Children’s Reporter Place on Staged Intervention / other plan Introduce other professional support Liaise between curriculum teachers Seek advice and support from others Do what it takes!

Youth Work Support

What are the relationships between School and Youth Work? To support designated pupils in their academic and social development To establish, maintain and contribute to working relationships within the school, parents / carers and external agencies

The role of The Youth Worker in School Based full time in school Individual caseload – key contact Primary transition Managing a registration support group To organise, facilitate and evaluate: Groupwork programmes Holiday activity programmes Extended work experience (Alvie) After school clubs

Co-ordinating, chairing and attending review meetings, transition planning meetings and The Children's Panel Report writing / information gathering Informing staff of the support needs of individual pupils Working with staff to improve classroom behaviour (SPinVIP) Framework for intervention, Restorative Practice Attending the Behaviour Support, School Liaison Group and Pupil Support meetings

Communication Parents/Carers School Staff External Agencies

Partnerships and Communication Establishing an effective partnership

Who are our Partners?

Psychological Services Social Work The Police Young CarersHealth Services Woman’s Aide Legal Services Support AgenciesVoluntary Agencies Employers Parents / Carers Forth Valley College Local AuthorityHousing

Partnerships and Communication Methodology School Liaison Groups Review Meetings Emergency Child Protection Meetings Children’s Panels Case Conferences Other formal / informal? communication Presentations Interviews

Partnerships and Communication - Barriers - Traditional professional boundaries Different values and beliefs Language Increasing complexity of work Need to reduce duplication and inefficiency Increased expectation

Partnerships and Communication Image courtesy of cartoonstock.com

Activity Partnerships and Communication

Solutions? Partnerships and Communication Avoid acronyms Be honest Be supportive Be understanding Be open, clear and share information Stay in touch!

Getting It Right For Every Child Partnerships and Communication Key Issues: Changes to The Children’s Hearing System (grounds for referral) Introduction of an Integrated Assessment Framework (which will be used by ALL agencies) Introduction of a Young Person’s Plan Introduction of a Lead Professional

Getting It Right For Every Child Partnerships and Communication

Transition Planning

I’m leaving! What’s next?

Transition Planning Under the new education act, schools have a duty to make transition arrangements for young people preparing to leave school A DUTY TO REQUEST INFORMATION FROM EXTERNAL AGENCIES INITIAL MEETING 12 MONTHS BEFORE THEY ARE ABLE TO LEAVE AT 6 MONTHS BEFORE THEY CAN LEAVE, THERE IS A DUTY TO IDENTIFY REQUIRED SUPPORTS

Transition Planning The meeting is to plan the Young Person’s future and NOT to review what has happened in school This is a Pupil Centred forward thinking process

Transition Planning Who will attend? Key Professionals Parents / Carers The Young Person Other

Transition Planning Recording the Meeting


Contact Details Lee Sandy Tom Snow