BIO I 1,2,5,7 Bell work Bell work: Complete questions 1a and 1b on page 260. All Make-up work DUE Thursday Objective: I will demonstrate understanding of through lab review and quiz.
Monday, Jan. 6, Bell work…8 min 2.Lab Review/Notes 9.2/Online …20 min. 3.Quiz Glycolysis…20 min. 4.Ticket out…5 min. HOMEWORK: Read & Notes 9.2 ETC Objective: I will demonstrate understanding of through lab review and quiz.
Krebs Cycle (2 nd stage) also called Citric Acid Cycle 1.INSIDE mitochondria in MATRIX! 2. CO2 is produced here (waste product) 3. Produces Energy a.ATP (for cell use) b.NADH (for ETC) c.FADH2 (for ETC)
The cycle: 1. TWO Pyruvic Acids comes for Glycolysis 2. Pyruvic Acid Acetyl-CoA Citric Acid 3.Cycle spins to produce a.CO2 (waste) b.NADH (to ETC) c.FADH (to ETC) d.ATP (to Cell)
Ticket out Ticket out: Complete quiz and turn in before bell rings. HOMEWORK: Read & Notes 9.2 ETC
BIO I 1,2,5,7 Bell work Bell work: Summarize the two steps of the Krebs cycle in your own words as seen on page 257. All Make-up work DUE Thursday Objective: I will understand reading on the Krebs cycle, ETC, and Fermentation through online and carousel activity.
ETC PURPOSE – Used Energy from Glycolysis and Krebs to create ATP Electron Transport - NAPH and FADH pass from carrier to carrier to power hydrogen pumps and create a hydrogen gradient in inter-membrane space! ATP Production ATP synthase allows H to flow through like turbine (into matix) and produce ATP
Total Energy from Cellular Respiration 1.Glycolysis = 2 ATP 2.Krebs Cyc.= 2 ATP 3.ETC = 32 ATP TOTAL 36 ATP ALL ATP for cellular use to move, grow, repair, reproduce, metabolize, etc.
Tuesday, Bell work…8 min 2.Notes/Online ETC…10 min. 3.Carousel Review Activity…30 min. 4.Ticket out…8 min. HOMEWORK: Read and notes 9.3 on Fermentation. Objective: I will understand reading on the Krebs cycle, ETC, and Fermentation through online and carousel activity.
Ticket out Ticket out: pre-lab questions till bell rings. HOMEWORK: Read and notes 9.3 on Fermentation.
BIO I 1,2,5,7 Bell work Bell work: Compare and contrast the ETC as seen on pages 237 and 259. What are the similarities and what are the differences ALL MAKE UP WORK DUE TOMORROW Objective: I will review the processes of cellular respiration and fermentation through four corner activity.
Wednesday, Bell work…5 min 2.Notes/Online…20 min. 3.Four Corners…20 min. 4.Ticket out…8 min. HOMEWORK: Quiz tomorrow over Krebs, ETC, and Fermentation. Objective: I will review the processes of cellular respiration and fermentation through four corner activity.
Fermentation (9.3) Oxygen is used in the ETC…it then converts NADH back to NAD+ which goes back to Glycolysis….without O2 this STOPS and ATP is no longer produced. When there is NO oxygen glycolysis can produce either ethyl alcohol or lactic acid from pyruvic acid which both release NAD+…This can continue
Quick Energy - The body uses ATP already in the muscles BUT runs out in about 90 seconds…then uses lactic acid fermentation to produce more. Long-Term Energy - If the body has to exercise more than 90 seconds it MUST use cellular respiration to continue to make ATP.
Ticket out Ticket out: Change Planaria water. HOMEWORK: Quiz tomorrow over Krebs, ETC, and Fermentation.
BIO I 1,2,5,7 Bell work Bell work: Draw and label the picture on page 263. How is it different than just glycolysis All Make-up work DUE TODAY by end of school. Objective: I will demonstrate understanding of cellular respiration through quiz and quick lab.
Thursday, Bell work…8 min 2.Notes/Quick Lab…20 min. 3.Quiz… 20 min. 4.Ticket out …5 min. HOMEWORK: Begin study for mid-term next Thursday over Chapters 3-9. Objective: I will demonstrate understanding of cellular respiration through quiz and quick lab.
Ticket out Ticket out: Turn in quiz before you leave. HOMEWORK: Begin study for mid-term next Thursday over Chapters 3-9.