Flying Start - Wales Fran Dale RGN RHV MA Team Leader Flying Start/Sure Start Wrexham
2 Why Flying Start Children within areas of multiple deprivation suffer additional effects of disadvantage. Targeted interventions can reduce the social and educational risks associated with deprived communities. International evidence supports these interventions which improve outcomes for children in the long term.
3 Why Flying Start The Welsh Assembly Government vision for every child and young person in Wales. 7 Core Aims translated the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. All children and young people to ‘have a flying start in life’ (Core Aim 1).
4 Where is Flying Start? Postcodes within Lower Super Output Areas with the greatest levels of need, and/or Selected community school catchment areas, based on the take up of free school meals. Identified by using the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (2005).
5 Flying Start - How Support through pregnancy from a Flying Start Midwife and Health Visitor. This includes a comprehensive ante-natal assessment of need, with the offer of appropriate packages of care before the baby is born.
6 Flying Start - How Intensive home visiting from Midwife, Health Visitors, Nursery Nurses and Family Support Workers after the baby is born. Assessments based on the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families ( 2001). Utilising the Solihull Approach and the Home Inventory Scales and Questionnaires
7 Flying Start - How Parenting Programmes, e.g.: Webster-Stratton’s Incredible Years Parenting Positively Handling Children’s Behaviour Triple P PIPPIN Stepping Stones and others requiring rigorous evaluation
8 Flying Start Wrexham ‘Bend to Fit’ – Sure Start and Flying Start now one team delivering services across both areas. Allocation Team Meetings – Nursery Nurses/Family Support Workers receive referrals from Midwife and Health Visitors to provide tailored packages of care.
9 Flying Start Wrexham The Speech and Language team provide: Advice and support for supervisors in the childcare settings. 1:1 and group work therapy Home based provision Client led referrals
10 Flying Start Wrexham The Family Support Workers: A 7 day a week service, including early mornings and evenings Intensive packages of planned intervention to support families and children in need Nursery Nurse trained with additional high level skills.
11 Flying Start Wrexham The Portage Service provides: A home visiting educational service for pre- school children with additional support needs Weekly home visits Planned goal setting with carers An opportunity for parents and carers to share their understanding of their child’s gifts, abilities and support needs.
12 Flying Start Flying Start grants to local authorities total £27 million in , and are projected to rise to £31 million in