You can report issues with bullying here – and get some help to tackle it fast. Bullying is where someone hurts you either physically, by hitting or kicking you, or verbally by calling you names or teasing you. Before you ask for extra help- make sure you have spoken to your year manager about it – if the bullying is still happening- get in touch! Report bullying here and get some help to tackle it in school!here Report bullying here and get some help to tackle it in school!here
Worried about something? Not feeling safe? Need to talk to someone right now? You can click here to contact someone who can help you right
Are you struggling with your feelings? Do you feel down? Panicky? Upset? Low? Do you feel as though your thoughts aren’t ok? Do you keep things to yourself but find they sometimes get on top of you? Do you sometimes struggle to get to sleep? Are you struggling with an issue like a death, a divorce or issues at home? Do you want to talk to someone about your sexuality? Do you just need to talk to someone? We all need a bit of extra support from time to time – click here if you would like to have some support sessions in school, they can be either by or face to face, which ever you prefer!here
Are you caring for a relative or someone in the home? Being a young carer can sometimes be a big responsibility- sometimes we need a little bit of extra help or some time and space for our own needs. Young carers supports you to support the person you care for. It is separate to social services and is here to make sure you are ok. If you would like extra support or to get involved in any of the young carer activities, click
Staying Safe Online If you are feeling pressured online – it might be into taking photos, having conversations that don’t feel ok or being targeted through Facebook or other sites, you can get help here. In school term time, click here to get some advice and help and in school holidays and in cases where you need some help quickly, click
Worried about Alcohol, smoking or other substances? Want to get some confidential advice? SWITCH are here to help- they offer support and information, working with you to change your habits. Many young people don’t seek help – they automatically assume that SWITCH will inform their parents. This isn’t always the case – and is something you can talk to them about. Click here to start a healthier