Managing Interoperability for GEOSS - A Report from the SIF S.J. Khalsa, D. Actur, S. Nativi, S. Browdy, P. Eglitis
Why GEOSS? Coordinate and integrate Earth observing, modeling and information systems to support informed decision making –voluntary contributions from GEO Members and Participating Organizations Interoperability is key to maximizing accessibility and utility of contributed resources GEOSS = Global Earth Observing System of Systems GEO = Group on Earth Observations GEOSS = Global Earth Observing System of Systems GEO = Group on Earth Observations
GEOSS Registries, Clearinghouses and Portals (the GCI) Contributors register components, associated services and standards Registry structure is transparent - provides a source of information for client applications to harvest. Users discover and exploit resources contributed to GEOSS
SIF Education and outreach for the GEOSS interoperability process Oversight of GEOSS Standards and Interoperability Registry (SIR) –Enhance understanding and utility of registered components and services A well-populated SIR essential for identifying opportunities to maximize interoperability –The SIR has an interoperable interface, via Z39.50 –Difficult when components are in external catalogs SIF = Standards and Interoperability Forum SIR = Standards and Interoperability Registry SIF = Standards and Interoperability Forum SIR = Standards and Interoperability Registry
Real-World Challenges Achieving interoperability in a global environment where –Participation is voluntary –No formal mandates –Interoperability principles are very high- level –No central funding source SIF also depends on volunteers
Current Activities - Core SIF Business process (task workflow system) –Building database of SIF contributors and experts –Analysis of early SIR entries –Evaluate interoperability landscape of GEOSS outreach and engagement Help desk for registries –requests for facilitating interoperability Steering group for all SIF activities
Regional Teams Benefits of regional concept: –members work in the same time zone –specialized knowledge of local issues –easier identification of local experts –more possibilities to meet face-to-face –consultation on issues from other regions Regional Team Guidance Document drafted
Regional Team Composition Europe - initial activity through GIGAS (integrates INSPIRE, GMES and GEOSS) Japan - early emphasis on GeoGRID and Global DEM North America - through USGEO and Canadian GEO China - coordinated by Chinese Meteorological Organization South America - coordinated by Argentinean Space Agency Africa - coordinated by South African Earth Observation Forum Australia/New Zealand - coordinated by CSIRO India and Korea pending
Other SIF Activities Component services relationship definition The creation of GEOSS profile for BIIF Improved SIR design Standards taxonomy and GEOSS ontologies Achieving optimum interoperability –ensure all components, services and standards are registered –convergence on an optimum set of interoperability arrangements –focus on inter-domain aspects and resolve issues e.g. through mediation services and mapping of ontologies
Achieving interoperability in a global environment: Use Case #1 Contributor registering a service Service and Components Registry ? Contributor associating/registering a Standard or Special Arrangement Service and Interoperability Registry SIF
Best Practice Wiki Achieving interoperability in a global environment: Use Case #2 End-user trying to discover and use a component and its services Service and Components Registry ? End-user trying to discover and use a Standard or Special Arrangement Service and Interoperability Registry SIF
Review of SIR Submissions Three key aspects of review: –All required information is present and well-formed –There is adherence to the GEOSS interoperability principles* –Identification of complementary tasks with respect to the overall GEOSS mission Work with the contributor until the item is accepted –As either a Special Arrangement (that may later be promoted) or Standard, or mobilized as a Best Practice General view: –Strive for a complete and accurate dictionary of systems and their interoperability arrangements –Extend the knowledge and experience gained to new systems in GEOSS and solving problems raised –Arrive at recommendations for the benefit of GEOSS *From 10-Year Implementation Plan Reference Document, February 2005
New features in SIR v.2 Interoperability with Components and Services Registry More information acquired for each submission Interoperability with SIF workflow system More search capabilities Modification history for each record Tracking of status changes (includes notification to CSR): –Promotion from special arrangement to standard –Retirement and supersedence –Withdrawal and deletion
Best Practices Wiki Open forum for converging on best practice recommendations and reviews Reaches out to a broad community Multi-disciplinary editorial team to help contributors Hot links and cross-references with Components, Services and Standards registries are planned –
Related Fora SCC 40: IEEE Standards Association Coordinating Committee for Earth Observation. –Where gaps in earth observation standards are identified the SCC 40 can sponsor new standards development – IEEE Committee on Earth Observation Standards Working Group –Group of international volunteers focusing on technology and standards to facilitate interoperability in GEOSS –Supports the GEO Standards and Interoperability Registry – Best Practices Wiki Editorial Team –
Contact the SIF SIF co-chairs: Siri-Jodha Singh Khalsa David Arctur