Carers’ Joint Commissioning Strategy Refresh Bournemouth, Poole and NHS Presentation to Health Overview and Scrutiny 5 th February 2013 Kerry Flann P.O. Joint Commissioning
Carers’ Joint Commissioning Strategy Commissioning Partners in Bournemouth Borough, Borough of Poole and the NHS continue to work together to provide services to support Carers The Joint Commissioning Strategy initially published in 2009/10 is owned by all 3 partners and details the priority areas for development for Carers. The Strategy refresh for the period has been developed in consultation with Carers through the Carers’ Joint Commissioning Board and the Carers’ Consultative Group. The Strategy will be considered by Members in Poole and Bournemouth and will go forward to the (Shadow) Health and Wellbeing Board and the Clinical Commissioning Group.
Key changes for Significant increase in the number of people declaring themselves as Carers in the 2011 Census: – Now 16, 212 people in Poole (9.4% of population) regard themselves as Carers, an increase of 1,825 people (since 2001 census) – 3605 people providing care of more than 50 hours per week, an increase of 828 people. – 22.2% of Carers therefore have significant care responsibilities an increase from 19.3% in the 2001 census.
Achievements from Action Plan ADVICE AND INFORMATION 1128 more people registered as Carers with their GP between Feb 2010 and Feb 2012 (Feb 2013 figures will be included in final report) 548 more people receiving the Carers Newsletter A-Z of Service booklet produced and circulated to Carers
Achievements from Action Plan DIGNITY AND RESPECT Two Training DVD’s produced with Carers giving real life perspective on their experiences. St John’s ambulance Carers Support Programme attended by 60 Carers per year Safeguarding awareness event attended by over 50 carers.
Achievements from Action Plan CONTINGENCY PLANNING AND BREAKS 432 Carers in Poole now registered on Carers’ In Crisis Service 60 Social events organised including day time and evening activities to fit with Carers’ Commitments. Beach Huts and Holiday lodges used extensively by Carers.
Actions not achieved from plan Further work needed in relation to improving links with Children and Young People Services to support Young Carers. Carers Facilitator posts not taken forward due to change in financial position. Direct Payments to Carers not increased as hoped; the new Care and Support Bill will contain new requirements regarding this. No capacity available to take forward training re Carers Services with local employers.
Next Steps Action plan details revised priorities for Significant focus on the provision of short breaks utilising NHS 3 year funding Implementing the requirements of the Care and Support Bill for Carers including greater use of Direct Payments. Continuing Actions to address the six outcome priorities identified by Carers.
Conclusion Supporting Carers is a crucial component of managing the long term demands of a growing older age population. The Commissioning Strategy refresh details the agreed priority areas to enable carers to live well and continue with their caring responsibilities Final version of the Strategy will be produced in Spring 2013.