Status Report of the Coastal Zone Community of Practice 7 September 2006 GEO User Interface Committee Meeting Ottawa, Canada Paul DiGiacomo, Liana McManus, Thomas Malone & Robert Christian
Primary 2006 Objectives for Coastal Zone Community of Practice 1)Establish a Joint Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (across the land - sea interface) sponsored by the IOC and FAO. 2) Engage GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs) in the Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP) as implementing bodies for GEOSS. 3) Initiate Planning for 2007 CZCP workshop: Coastal Urbanization, Development, and Coastal Inundation: Impacts on Socio-Economic Systems, Ecosystems and Living Marine Resources.
Joint Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (J-PICO) Just as the global modules of GOOS and GCOS must coordinate the ocean-climate system across the air-sea interface, the coastal modules of GOOS and GTOS must address coordinated implementation across the land-sea interface. The IGOS Coastal Theme report (approved by the IGOS Partners in 2005) recommended the formation of J-PICO to satisfy this need, and the Coastal Zone CP (CZCP) has worked to establish this panel to provide technical & strategic guidance for integrated implementation as follows: Obtained endorsements for J-PICO from the Joint Commission on Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), the GOOS and GTOS Steering Committees, and the Intergovernmental Committee for GOOS; Secured support from the IOC and the FAO (the primary sponsors); and Contributed to the preparation of Terms of Reference for JPICO by the IOC and FAO. Next steps include obtaining an endorsement from the GOOS Regional Forum in November and approval of the IOC Assembly.
Engage GRAs as GEO Implementing Bodies The Third Forum of the GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs) to take place November in Cape Town, South Africa. Members of the CZCP have worked with GOOS Africa and the IOC to plan and organize the Third GRA Forum, a major goal of which is to agree on the roles that GRAs will play in implementing coastal elements of the GEOSS through the Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP). As a step toward achieving this objective, a working group will be established at the Forum to recommend Roles of GRAs in implementing the CZCP and in developing a Multi-Hazards Integrated System for Disasters Mitigation for Tsunamis, tropical cyclones, and extra-tropical storms. The 3rd GRA forum will also provide a venue to recruit members for the CZCP and identify participants in the first CZCP workshop which will be held in 2007 (next slide).
Planning has begun for a workshop that will be scheduled during the third or fourth quarter of CY The goal of the workshop will be to specify integrated observing system requirements of real-time responders; near-term, post event re-builders; and longer-term planners, policy makers, researchers and educators. This workshop will provide an end-to-end forum for data providers and data users to interact on coastal urbanization et al. issues and ensure information needs are met. It will leverage and complement the 3rd GRA forum described previously, as well as the GEO Experts Workshop on Space-borne, Airborne and In situ Observations for Water Quality, tentatively planned for February We are presently developing a prospectus and in process of securing endorsements from the FAO, IOC, CEOS and IGBP for the workshop CZCP Workshop: Coastal Urbanization, Development, & Inundation
Other activities of interest building on the IGOS Coastal/Coral Reef Theme…
Coral Reef Capacity Building Workshops in 2006 As part of World Bank/GEF targeted research on corals, several capacity building workshops were held during 2006 for using satellite tools in these regions: Bolinao, Philippines (UP) – August 2006 Cebu, Philippines (UP) – September 2006 Puerto Morelos, Mexico (UNAM) – December 2006 [planned] Coral Reef Watch website: 8th Conference of the Parties to the CBD Briefed, March 2006 As a member of the US Delegation, Dr. Mark Eakin (NOAA-NESDIS) briefed the 8th Conference of the Parties (COP8) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Curitiba, Brazil –Invited presentation in International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) official side event entitled: Coral Reef Management Past, Present And The Future; Case Studies And Lessons Learned –Attended by an overflow crowd of almost 100 people. Attendees included delegates from many governments, International Governmental Organizations, and Non- Governmental Organizations –Presented Caribbean Basin-wide Bleaching Event: Extent of Bleaching and Response Coordination
NOAAs Integration Efforts for Coral Reef Observations & Monitoring CREIOS Coral Reef Ecosystem Integrated Observing System Goggle Earth Example 2005 Caribbean Bleaching Event CRW uses now In Situ Obs & DHWs Mapped also: SST Anomalies HotSpots SSTs Coral Reef Watch website: Coral Reef Watch Products now available through Google Earth